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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Ip Man (2008, Movie) The Legend of Yip Man (葉問)

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984, Animation)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The King of Kong (2007, Documentary)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire (2008, Movie)

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Kaiser Friends gathering_122009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Jury Service: 11/16 to 12/09/2009
- Nunez worked at John's Manvill piping factory from 1964 to 1982.
- During a 10 week period in 1969, Nunez worked in Line Pipe Department doing sandblasting and blow-out jobs. This heaviest exposure to asbestos could generate 400 to 500 fiber per cc (cubic centimeter).
- Advocate Mines was supplying 70% of the crysotile asbestos in that 10 week time span.
- Crysotile asbestos has been proven to cause pleural mesothelioma, but no scientific proof to cause peritoneal mesothelioma.
- Only amphiboles asbestos, e.g., amosite, chricidolite, tremolite, can cause peritoneal mesothelioma.
- There was a fraction of tremolite existing in crysotile though.
- Two cases of crysotile causing peritoneal mesothelioma so far, i.e., one in South Carolina and another one in Chung Quing, China.
- The latency of mesothelioma can be from 10 to 50 years.
- There is not enough data and proof of such rare disease.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Dark Knight (2008, Movie)

This Joker Holds All the Cards
Heath Ledger's Clown Gives 'The Dark Knight' Its Power
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life & Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal (2006, Documentary)

Friday, November 27, 2009
Recalling A Buddha: Memories of the Sixteenth Karmapa (Movie, 2009)

It is a beautifully presented story of an incredible and inspiring person. And this is the first time I felt so close to His Holiness.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Facing the Giants (2006, Movie)

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Taken (2008, Movie)

Friday, November 6, 2009
Half Day at Huntington Library
This time we visited 'Drawn to Satire: John Sloan’s Illustrations for the Novels of Charles Paul de Kock' and 'The Color Explosion: Nineteenth Century American Lithography from the Jay T. Last Collection'.
The Color Explosion presents more than 200 examples of 19th-century American lithography from The Huntington’s Jay T. Last Collection of Lithographic and Social History. Advertising posters, art prints, calendars, certificates, children’s books, color-plate illustrations, historical views, product labels, sales catalogs, sheet music, toys & games, and trade cards are just some of the artifacts included in this comprehensive exhibition.
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Heiress (1949, Movie)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Count of Monte Cristo (2002, Movie)

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ballerina (2009, Movie)

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Arcadia 2009 Senior Day Camp

Monday, October 5, 2009
Buddha Amitabha Empowerment by Shamar Rinpoche
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Huntington Art Gallery
British Watercolors of the Eastern Mediterranean
This time we spent time in the Huntington Art Gallery to enjoy European art.
By the end of the first quarter of the 19th century, watercolor paintings of the western European landscape had become familiar to British collectors, who began to seek new and different imagery with which to decorate their houses. Artists were eager to supply this demand. Improvements in transportation across Europe and the Mediterranean opened up new areas for artistic exploration, such as Eastern Europe, Greece, and the Near East. The fashion for exotic and orientalized subjects meant that British watercolorists who traveled there found a ready market for their works at home. The 15 pictures from The Huntington’s permanent collection on display in “British Watercolors of the Eastern Mediterranean” illustrate the great variety of style and the vastly different approaches employed by artists such as Edward Lear (1812–1888), John Frederick Lewis (1804–1876), and David Wilkie (1785–1841).
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Alien Saga (2002, Movie)

Sunday, September 27, 2009
行草三部曲 (Cursive Trilogy, Dance, 2001)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
竹夢 (Bamboo Dream, 2003, Dance)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Moon Water (水月, 2003, Dance)

Monday, September 21, 2009
Remember the Titans (2000, Movie)

How the Goal Line Came To Replace the Color Line
It's striking how many of the images that capture America's struggle to overcome its legacy of racism come from the world of sports. Based on a real-life drama that played out in Virginia, it uses football to tell a bigger story about the American South going through the growing pains of desegregation."Remember the Titans" is a parable about racial harmony, yoked to the formula of a sports movie. Real life is never this simple, but then that's what the movies are for--to improve on life, and give it the illusion of form and purpose.
Denzel Washington and Will Patton are the stars, two football coaches, one black, one white, whose lives are linked for a season, even though neither wants it that way. Yoast's white players say they won't play for a black coach, but Yoast doesn't want them to lose college scholarships, so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice.
All of this is said to be based on life, and no doubt largely is, but life was perhaps harder and more wounding than the film.
Those training camp scenes include the usual identifiable types (the fat kid, the long-haired Californian, the "Rev") who first clash, then bond.
The movie is heartfelt, yes, and I was moved by it, but it plays safe.
How the Goal Line Came To Replace the Color Line
It's striking how many of the images that capture America's struggle to overcome its legacy of racism come from the world of sports. Based on a real-life drama that played out in Virginia, it uses football to tell a bigger story about the American South going through the growing pains of desegregation."Remember the Titans" is a parable about racial harmony, yoked to the formula of a sports movie. Real life is never this simple, but then that's what the movies are for--to improve on life, and give it the illusion of form and purpose.
Denzel Washington and Will Patton are the stars, two football coaches, one black, one white, whose lives are linked for a season, even though neither wants it that way. Yoast's white players say they won't play for a black coach, but Yoast doesn't want them to lose college scholarships, so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice.
All of this is said to be based on life, and no doubt largely is, but life was perhaps harder and more wounding than the film.
Those training camp scenes include the usual identifiable types (the fat kid, the long-haired Californian, the "Rev") who first clash, then bond.
The movie is heartfelt, yes, and I was moved by it, but it plays safe.
How the Goal Line Came To Replace the Color Line
It's striking how many of the images that capture America's struggle to overcome its legacy of racism come from the world of sports. Based on a real-life drama that played out in Virginia, it uses football to tell a bigger story about the American South going through the growing pains of desegregation."Remember the Titans" is a parable about racial harmony, yoked to the formula of a sports movie. Real life is never this simple, but then that's what the movies are for--to improve on life, and give it the illusion of form and purpose.
Denzel Washington and Will Patton are the stars, two football coaches, one black, one white, whose lives are linked for a season, even though neither wants it that way. Yoast's white players say they won't play for a black coach, but Yoast doesn't want them to lose college scholarships, so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice.
All of this is said to be based on life, and no doubt largely is, but life was perhaps harder and more wounding than the film.
Those training camp scenes include the usual identifiable types (the fat kid, the long-haired Californian, the "Rev") who first clash, then bond.
The movie is heartfelt, yes, and I was moved by it, but it plays safe.
How the Goal Line Came To Replace the Color Line
It's striking how many of the images that capture America's struggle to overcome its legacy of racism come from the world of sports. Based on a real-life drama that played out in Virginia, it uses football to tell a bigger story about the American South going through the growing pains of desegregation."Remember the Titans" is a parable about racial harmony, yoked to the formula of a sports movie. Real life is never this simple, but then that's what the movies are for--to improve on life, and give it the illusion of form and purpose.
Denzel Washington and Will Patton are the stars, two football coaches, one black, one white, whose lives are linked for a season, even though neither wants it that way. Yoast's white players say they won't play for a black coach, but Yoast doesn't want them to lose college scholarships, so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice.
All of this is said to be based on life, and no doubt largely is, but life was perhaps harder and more wounding than the film.
Those training camp scenes include the usual identifiable types (the fat kid, the long-haired Californian, the "Rev") who first clash, then bond.
The movie is heartfelt, yes, and I was moved by it, but it plays safe.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Desert Garden at Huntington Library_092009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kaiser Friends gathering_092009
High School Memories (1970)
Monday, August 31, 2009
The 400 Blows (1959, Movie)

"New Wave" French young director Francois Truffaut's "The 400 blows" (the title is an idiom meaning "raising hell'') is one of the most intensely touching stories ever made about a young adolescent. Inspired by Truffaut's own early life, it shows a resourceful boy growing up in Paris and apparently dashing headlong into a life of crime.
It is said that this film, which M. Truffaut has written, directed and produced, is autobiographical. That may well explain the feeling of intimate occurrence that is packed into all its candid scenes. The movie centers on the troubled childhood of a young boy named Antoine Doinel. Adults see him as a troublemaker. We follow him as he lies, steals, plays hookie, and gets into every kind of trouble imaginable. But we also see his tender side.
The film's famous final shot, a zoom in to a freeze frame, shows him looking directly into the camera. He has just run away from a house of detention, and is on the beach, caught between land and water, between past and future. It is the first time he has seen the sea.