City of Arcadia arranged outing programs yearly to promote healthy living for individuals 50 years and older. This year, 'A Tour of Spain' was arranged to experience the rich cultural delicacies of Spain. Early in the morning, 50 plus people were boarded on bus heading for Arcadia Wilderness Park. Thanks to the gorgeous sunshine after 2 full days of rain.
We were able to discover different parts of Spain, a beautiful and traditional country full of history, from an informative presentation. We tasted some of their traditional dishes, prepared by Chef Mario from Vista Cove at Arcadia. Then we enjoyed "La Sole' Flamenco Dance Company directed by Yvette Garcia, performing passionate rhythms of Flamenco from Southern Spain.
Moreover, I made my first bead bracelet from an interesting craft class taught by Joyce Tagliamonte. Isn't it something to be proud of?
Lunch Menu
Ethnic food from Spain
Gazpacho Soup (cold tomato and cucumber bits soup)
Ensaladilla (potato salad)
Paella with chicken, shrimp and sausages (Spanish rice)
Albondigas with tomato sauce (meat ball)
Tortilla de Patata (omelet with potato)
Zarangollo Murciano (veggies)
Flan (dessert)
Afternoon snack: Churro and hot chocolate