This film by David Fincher (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) is a biographical DRAMA based on the book, THE ACCIDENTAL BILLIONAIRES:The Founding of Facebook. Well there was already Friendster and MySpace, they just realized they could do it much better, and they did. I shouldn't say "they" as it really boils down to an angry jaded computer nerd (Jesse Eisenberg perfectly cast as Mark Zuckerberg) who just got dumped and looks to get revenge the only way he knows how, making a program that turns the table on all of the girls on campus.
Once it ends, there's nothing left but hurt feelings, lawsuits and new faces ready to jump on the bandwagon of potential. The movie keeps you locked in, interested and entertained through the whole flashback/flash sideways flow of the movie.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hiroshima: BBC History of World War II (2005, Documentary)
This is a terrific program. Archival footage, dramatic re-enactment, special effects, and first person interviews with both Japanese and American survivors bring this whole episode into clear focus. The subject matter is presented in an even-handed way that clearly presents both sides of what has become a controversial topic. There is some excellent footage of the Enola Gay and some very interesting footage of rows and rows of B-29s on Tinian Island. The affects of the bombs dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are covered quite well, with acting portrayed by actors under narration by actual surviving victims. It's a wonderfully made film.
NTUE reunion at 寬心園
To welcome our classmate 黃淑慎 visiting here, we gathered at 寬心園 to have a hearty vegetarian meal. Everyone seemed healthy and happy. Hope this will continue on and on.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Human Experience (2008, Documentary)
It all seems very very superficial - the experiences, the reactions, the insights, etc. Their is no great insight here but rather the first glimpse of some young kids realizing that, Oh my, the world is bigger than my own personal suffering and yes, there are people whose struggles really put my reality into perspective. Then again, They highlighted the value of humanity.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Waste Land (2010, Documentary)
Waste Land is an absolute powerhouse of a documentary. It follows the story of modern artist Vik Muniz as he undertakes his next project to show the world the true beauty and power of the human spirit as displayed through the lives of the people of the Gramacho landfill in Rio De Janeiro- people who eat, sleep and live in garbage. It explores their tragic stories while following their individual transformations brought on by the raw power of art. Vik is a genius and this film speaks for itself.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010, Movie)
There's nothing particularly new in Jon Turteltaub's The Sorcerer's Apprentice. The cookie-cutter story has a couple of extra depths to it. However, it's not a great movie, not a very good movie, but just an OK movie.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(Harry Potter 6) (2009, Movie)
I've never much been a fan of Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, and in this rendition, he mumbles more than usual in a pretty undynamic performance. The whole production is dark and brooding, not at all like the more upbeat, bright prior Harry Potter movies. An attempt is made to introduce teen romances, which I thought too much time was spent on them. Overall, the movie is entertaining, but overly long, two and half hours.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The King's Speech (2010, Movie)
THE KING'S SPEECH is an exceptional story about a Royal historical figure who had to persevere like us Commoners must do in certain aspects of our own lives to overcome obstacles that vie to hold us back from success. Colin Firth in my opinion gives the best performance of his life as King George VI. Firth makes us love and admire the reluctant King who assumed the throne after his brother abdicated for the love of a woman. I got the feeling that Bertie could only let his guard down and be himself during his sessions with Logue.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
[印度]Three Idiots [三傻大闹宝莱坞 三个白痴 三人帮] (Movie, 2009)
This is a FANTASTIC movie: hilarious, tragic, insightful, witty, beautiful, quirky, disturbing and fun. The movie starts out good and keeps getting better.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
在中國近現代佛教史上,虛雲老和尚是一位極富傳奇色彩的絕世高僧。 他出生於鴉片戰爭爆發的年代,而圓寂前則經歷了新中國的“大煉鋼鐵”和社會主義教育運動,見識過威聲赫赫的“大字報”,足足活了120個年頭。
虛雲和尚的一生,漫長而豐沛。 他在咸豐年間拋家別妻、落髮於福州鼓山。 光緒年間跪拜朝禮五台,歷時三年,一步一叩,風雨恆持。 又遠赴印度、南洋,跋涉萬里,重效玄奘,遍禮聖蹟。 此後在數十年的宗教實踐活動中,以至大至剛勇氣和艱苦卓絕行解,一身兼祧五宗法脈,重振禪門,先後中興了雞足山祝聖寺、昆明雲棲寺、鼓山湧泉寺、韶關南華寺、雲門大覺寺、雲居真如寺等六大古剎,成為名震中外、人所共仰的禪宗泰斗、一代高僧。 上世紀50年代初,德高望重的虛雲老和尚赴京參與了全國性佛教機構的籌組工作,被公推為首席發起人,並當選為中國佛教協會的名譽會長。 對於這樣一位現代佛教界的領袖人物,以往人們了解的並不很多,一般大眾,更乏識聞。 這一則因為整個時代的大環境使然,釋門淡泊,收拾不住,佛教已退居到次邊緣的位置,很難進入到社會公眾的視野當中,更遑論在精神領域又有無神唯物的強力洗滌! 二則虛雲和尚嘔心瀝血所撰《楞嚴經玄要》、《法華經略疏》、《遺教經註釋》、《圓覺經玄義》、《心經解》等著作,已在“雲門事件”中毀失掉了,致使後人的認識理解和研究闡發均缺所本。 三則世傳《虛雲和尚法彙》及《年譜》,成編於海外,流通範圍極小,在內陸不易看到。 這種種緣故,就使得虛雲和尚其人其事漸漸變得堙沒無聞了。
通過讀這本書,我們不但對虛雲和尚鼓山出家、天台參訪、五台還願、南行朝聖、高旻證道、重興雞足、復振南華、續法雲門、再建雲居的色彩斑瀾之人生和艱苦卓絕之歷程,有了一個全面的了解;而且對老和尚孤心所寄的獨特之禪思佛理,有了初步的認識。 這在知識界普遍於佛教思想資源相當漠視、於僧伽佛學更形隔絕的情況之下,無疑能起到相當的補益作用。
虛雲和尚的一生,漫長而豐沛。 他在咸豐年間拋家別妻、落髮於福州鼓山。 光緒年間跪拜朝禮五台,歷時三年,一步一叩,風雨恆持。 又遠赴印度、南洋,跋涉萬里,重效玄奘,遍禮聖蹟。 此後在數十年的宗教實踐活動中,以至大至剛勇氣和艱苦卓絕行解,一身兼祧五宗法脈,重振禪門,先後中興了雞足山祝聖寺、昆明雲棲寺、鼓山湧泉寺、韶關南華寺、雲門大覺寺、雲居真如寺等六大古剎,成為名震中外、人所共仰的禪宗泰斗、一代高僧。 上世紀50年代初,德高望重的虛雲老和尚赴京參與了全國性佛教機構的籌組工作,被公推為首席發起人,並當選為中國佛教協會的名譽會長。 對於這樣一位現代佛教界的領袖人物,以往人們了解的並不很多,一般大眾,更乏識聞。 這一則因為整個時代的大環境使然,釋門淡泊,收拾不住,佛教已退居到次邊緣的位置,很難進入到社會公眾的視野當中,更遑論在精神領域又有無神唯物的強力洗滌! 二則虛雲和尚嘔心瀝血所撰《楞嚴經玄要》、《法華經略疏》、《遺教經註釋》、《圓覺經玄義》、《心經解》等著作,已在“雲門事件”中毀失掉了,致使後人的認識理解和研究闡發均缺所本。 三則世傳《虛雲和尚法彙》及《年譜》,成編於海外,流通範圍極小,在內陸不易看到。 這種種緣故,就使得虛雲和尚其人其事漸漸變得堙沒無聞了。
通過讀這本書,我們不但對虛雲和尚鼓山出家、天台參訪、五台還願、南行朝聖、高旻證道、重興雞足、復振南華、續法雲門、再建雲居的色彩斑瀾之人生和艱苦卓絕之歷程,有了一個全面的了解;而且對老和尚孤心所寄的獨特之禪思佛理,有了初步的認識。 這在知識界普遍於佛教思想資源相當漠視、於僧伽佛學更形隔絕的情況之下,無疑能起到相當的補益作用。
Monday, April 4, 2011
Shamarpa Ritual_042011
Our beloved Shamarpa visited us for a two-day empowerment and teaching ritual at M.B.A. The first day was 'Green Tara Empowerment' and second day 'Brief teaching of The Path to Awakening (Seven Points of Mind Training) and book signing'.
I was lucky enough to be assigned the job of preparing Rinpoche's snacks and/or drinks. I made him Butter-scotch-chips scones the first day and he loved it. The second day was Popover which was not quite a blast. Serving Rinpoche was a very detailed and tiring job, and I enjoyed it very much. Being a highly praised Rinpoche, he always showed his humane side toward us. It was an unforgettable experience for me.
Carlos: (Miniseries 2010)
The life of the terrorist and self-styled revolutionary Carlos is shrouded in mystery. Featuring over a dozen different languages, spanning three decades in multiple international locations, this film focused on the scandalous rise and eventual fall of Carols the Jackal.
Edgar Ramirez gives a knockout performance as the infamous Carlos through the 30-year-span of this film. One of the most elusive terrorists in history and behind attacks that held the world in his grip for decades, this film pulls no punches and delivers on every level.
Edgar Ramirez gives a knockout performance as the infamous Carlos through the 30-year-span of this film. One of the most elusive terrorists in history and behind attacks that held the world in his grip for decades, this film pulls no punches and delivers on every level.
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