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Sunday, September 25, 2011
Zhou Yu's Train(周漁的火車) (2004, Movie)
周漁和大多數女人一樣,永遠渴望生命中有那麼一段刻骨銘心的愛情。 陳青只是佔據了她的精神世界,佔據了她愛情的渴望。陳青和張強最大的區別在於:陳青只會想像出、構思出一副浪漫的場景,一首夢幻般的詩;而張強卻會把這一切變成現實! 在周漁的心裡,只有陳青是自己愛情的全部,只有他懂得浪漫。 而張強的浪漫,是她不願意接受的,她知道那不屬於張強,他做不了陳青的替身。周漁,一個為愛情而活著的女人。 一旦她的愛情消失了,她的靈魂自然也將脫離她的身體,永遠追隨那“仙湖”的踪影去了。 那周漁最後選擇了什麼,其實沒有答案啊·
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011, Movie)
THE LINCOLN LAWYER is a smarter-than-average courtroom drama. McConaughey is (for once) perfectly cast playing a lawyer, even a sleazy one like Mick Haller, a defense attorney whose chauffeur drives him around town in his Lincoln Town Car. The suspenseful drama clips along at a good pace and there is no shortage of twists and turns.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Rango (2011, Movie)
This is not be what I expected. This is a bit of a dark comedy. Rango is a dark, witty, and entertaining ride that's also fairly mature for an animated film.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
整本書, 是齊邦媛教援以她的一生, 在中國的歷史大洪流中, 經歷的一段又一段故事。不再侷限一九四九的國共紛爭, 從軍閥割據, 日人侵華, 八年抗戰, 國共內戰, 到遷台偏安, 白色恐怖, 十大建設, 文藝運動。她的一點一滴, 正是中國近代史的縮影。
書本外夾頁上所寫的副標『讀了這本書, 你終於明白我們為什麼需要知識份子』…
在這本書中, 我們看到了知識份子的價值及重要性, 我們也了解到, 有一天當我們成為知識份子中的一員, 我們代表的又是什麼樣的形象, 擁有什麼樣的影響力。而至此, 我們學會謙卑…
這本齊邦媛先生的自傳, 比龍應台的大江大海一九四九來得個人且私密,最可看的不僅是齊邦媛教授一家如何走過戰火肆虐的時代,還有她如何為台灣文學界及語文教育界貢獻一己終生。
Monday, September 19, 2011
Breaking the Maya Code (2008, Documentary)
This traces Maya language archeology from it's very beginnings up through the early 21st century. At each phase, the key scientists at every step give commentary on the state of the work. They also use great visual techniques of highlighting portions of a glyph or a carving to illustrate the discussion. Like Chinese characters, the hieroglyphic script of the ancient Mayans' single glyph can consist of sub-glyphs that can be a combination of syllabic and ideographic content. They also tell a great, well-paced story. Breaking the Maya Code is an excellent example of exploration, immersion, and revelation opening doors to the perceptions of a highly advanced, now virtually extinguished, civilization. This documentary gives very little attention to the story of the destruction of Mayan culture by the Spanish though.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Moon Festival Dance Performance, 2011
This year, Yali Liu's students performed dances and/or songs to celebrate Chinese Moon Festival again at Mt. Sac in Walnut. I participated in two numbers: a Dai dance "Red is red and green is green" (红是红,绿是绿) (Part 1 and Part 2) and a classical Chinese fan dance "Beautiful Scenery" (秀色).
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Forks Over Knives (2011, Documentary)
Excellent! Everyone should see this movie! The message is clear and the research is profound....Yes, fruits and veggies, whole nuts and grains could just save your Life! Hippocrates was right when he said: Let food be your Medicine and Medicine be your Food . Several months ago I watched the documentary - Food Incorporated which reveals the problems in the food supply; Forks over Knives presents the solution. Forks over Knives has shown us that we can take control of our health by what we eat!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
(500) Days of Summer(2009, Movie)
It is a relationship movie about a guy who falls in love with a woman who tells him from the start she was not looking for anything more than friendship. I don't understand spending two hours watching a couple that's obviously doomed to fail. The end was heart-breaking!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Kung Fu Panda (2008, Movie)
Kung Fu Panda is full of heart and has several creative plot twists. The story is aimed mainly at kids with its cute panda bear as the hero, however, there is plenty there for adults to enjoy also with its all too true wise sayings. The story's message, that there is no secret ingredient in life, one just has to believe to accomplish whatever they are after, is somewhat universal, and illustrated wonderfully on a kid's level in this movie.
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