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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie, 2014)
This movie had an extremely rare combination of action, adventure, comedy, CGI, drama, makeup, and creativity that you almost never see come out of Hollywood. Chris Pratt was a pleasant surprise, but not enough to carry the movie.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Half day at the Knott's Berry Farm
We only came here to see the crowds. No rides, shows, shopping, even foods. Strolled, strolled and strolled in the park for 1.5 hours and left. Eventually, we had a nice dim-sum lunch at 利苑 in Monterey Park.
Friday, December 26, 2014
You don't have to have too many sets of practices, no matter how brilliant and how positive they sound. They are just like when we eat food - we can eat only one mouthful at a time, no more than that. So we have to practice one mindfully at a time.
By doing this constantly at a good rate, just like maintaining a good diet, it becomes meaningful and beneficial, it helps to reduce anxieties, stress - and finally we are able to live a very exciting 21st century life.
Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Maleficent (2014, Movie)
Although I'm not a big Angelina fan, I think she did a fantastic job with this role. The story begins with a young Maleficent who is NOT the villain. She is betrayed in such a horrific way (and this scene is gut-wrenching) that she hardens her heart. Watch out the twist on the original story though.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Whenever you feel a little bit confused and lost, always go back to the teachings, always go back to the practice. It also helps to go back to the life stories of great Bodhisattvas, to revisit these great beings, for they are great examples.
-- Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Bodhigaya, the place where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, is also where all the Bodhisattvas meet to participate in the Grand Auspicious Kagyu Monlam 2014 , praying for world peace and auspiciousness for all sentient beings . This also include prayers for the swift rebirth of our precious guru Shamarpa.
-- Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Bodhigaya, the place where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, is also where all the Bodhisattvas meet to participate in the Grand Auspicious Kagyu Monlam 2014 , praying for world peace and auspiciousness for all sentient beings . This also include prayers for the swift rebirth of our precious guru Shamarpa.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
LAPD Xmas party
Wu Liang won the reward of "Employee of the year 2014" in their division. I too share the honor and got invited to their Xmas party, free of charge. On top of it, I even won a raffle gift of "snack basket".
The atmosphere of the Ice House has a rustic vintage feel to it. The food there is not great, not mentioning the poor service. Stage 2, where we had lunch, feels more intimate. Due to its function of being a comedy house, the room is so stuffed and not designed to house 100+ restaurant guests. However, the comedians' performances are good.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
My new bidet
Everyone needs one in their home and it's a joy to use! Fit and finish are very good and we hope it will last a long time, since it is a big expense.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Holiday gathering luncheon at Anthenaeum, Cal. Tech. Pasadena
The Athenaeum in Pasadena is modeled after the one in London. Yes, even Albert Einstein has dined here. The actual architecture and venue itself is gorgeous and very elegant. This place is simply phenomenal especially during the holiday season; however, this is for members only, not open to public.” We also learned that they change their menu items so it may not be the same every week.
We had a wonderful time enjoying the lite lunch and the ambience while mingling with all the volunteers and/or family/friends. all of us got the express lunch buffet ($14), plus the famous liquor ice cream dessert.
Monday, December 15, 2014
May you see the wonder of the season
As the holiday season approaches, we want to thank everyone for his/her loyalty. It's a bliss to connect us to the people that matter most and to the wonder of the holiday season. It's also the season for giving and good cheer.
Please enjoy this greeting, along with our best wishes for you and your loved ones.
Happy holidays from us.
Please enjoy this greeting, along with our best wishes for you and your loved ones.
Happy holidays from us.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
An Old-Fashioned Holiday at the Queen Anne Cottage at Arboretum

Waited a long line for the tours and it's well worth it. Strolled down memory land and viewed treasures and furnishings normally seen only through the windows of the charming Victorian-era cottage. The dwelling, decorated in its’ Christmas finery, has become a Southland tradition for holiday visitors. I did learn about the history of the Queen Anne Cottage.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
What is Laksa
Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup in the Peranakan cuisine, which is a combination of Chinese and Malay cuisine. It can be found in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.
Here are the samples of the authentic Laksa noodle soup we enjoyed at Yuing Yuen's house. Yummy!
Here are the samples of the authentic Laksa noodle soup we enjoyed at Yuing Yuen's house. Yummy!
Friday, December 12, 2014
My turning point: Leaving Lightning Tai-Chi (雷霆門太極)
經過六年的薰陶, 對於太極拳有了基本認知; 加上老師及助教們傾力教導, 打下一丁點基礎. 目前外務煩雜, 疏於練習, 漸漸怠惰, 更由於心理感到彈性疲乏, 告訴自己: 該休整一番, 再重新出發, 來面對挑戰.
感謝老師數年來誨人不倦, 因材施教. 學生暫時離開雷霆門, 給自己一個全新的開始,只要信心在, 勇氣就在;努力在,成功就在。
謝謝妳這些年幾乎從不間斷的支持雷霆門, 也暸解妳遇到瓶頸的心情。
每當一個好學生要離開,身為太極拳導師的我, 就必須要再一次面對太極那陰的一面。
祝福 老師
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thor: The Dark World (2013, Movie)
This is not meant to be a standalone movie, but is another installment of Marvel's juggernaut anthology. The Jane Foster storyline serves as a convenient excuse to shove in an awkward and wholly unnecessary "love story" into the fray, which then receives far more screen time than it merits. The story is gibberish, the bad guy is a cardboard cutout, the special effects look good but really detract from the fantasy setting.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Heaven Is for Real (2014, Movie)
Colton: "In heaven, everybody is young." "Heaven Is For Real" portrays a true story about Colton Burpo, the four year old pastor's child who has a near death experience; and not only does he believe he's visited heaven - in that innocent wide-eyed wonder of a child - he can describe people and events that apparently prove he was there. The standout performance is by 6-year old Connor Corum in his first movie role...what a delight and marvel this child is to watch! It's being a true story just makes it all the more powerful!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
My work out picture in Arcadia "The Buzz" Winter magazine
This picture was taken by the city photographer when I was in the Strength Training class sponsored by the City of Arcadia.
See how well I was equipped.
See how well I was equipped.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Hercules (2014, Movie)
An enjoyable blockbuster interpretation of Hercules. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was outstanding in the role of Hercules, since he is really muscular and strong like Hercules.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Karma: the manifestation of the confused mind
Sometimes the mind is influenced by ego-clinging or selfishness. Sometimes the mind is influenced by strong anger or aggression and sometimes by strong desire or attachment, pride, or jealousy.
All of these emotional states cause the mind to create ideas and to perform actions that create what we call a karmic potential, a karmic seed. These karmic seeds are collected in the mind where they continue as habitual tendencies. As these tendencies ripen, as the karma created by confused thought or action comes to full fruition, this produces the experience of an event in our impression of the world around us. This is our karma, the manifestation of the confused mind.
~ Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche (Shamarpa)
All of these emotional states cause the mind to create ideas and to perform actions that create what we call a karmic potential, a karmic seed. These karmic seeds are collected in the mind where they continue as habitual tendencies. As these tendencies ripen, as the karma created by confused thought or action comes to full fruition, this produces the experience of an event in our impression of the world around us. This is our karma, the manifestation of the confused mind.
~ Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche (Shamarpa)
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014, Movie)
The film opens with Rogers (Chris Evans) trying to find some sort of life for himself outside of Captain America, largely with the help of Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). Look for a fine outing from Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce, a corrupt leader within S.H.I.E.L.D....first time I've seen Redford as a villain. The computer generated special effects are as awesome as always.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
袁志鍾書法研習社作品展 (Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition of Terry Yuan and His Students)
This is my piece of work (行楷書) after 2 and half years' endeavor.
「禍因惡積福緣善慶」── 源自『千字文』
袁志鍾書法研習社作品展訂於11月1、2日 (星期六,日)兩天,上午11時至下午5時,假洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心展示廳展出。地址:9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte,開幕儀式在1日下午2時舉行。現場有師生揮毫表演,袁老師當場書寫的作品,將作為現場來賓抽獎之用。
從事書法創作與教育的專業書法家袁志鍾,作品曾多次展出於美國、中國、日本、韓國、臺灣等地,先後獲得許多大獎,書法作品被各地文化機構及私人典藏。美國洛杉磯藝術博物館有袁志鍾的墨寶,臺灣國立藝術教育館典藏了他的獲獎作品,日本書人會及洛杉磯日美文化中心也珍藏了他的大作。2007年應漢庭頓圖書館之邀為新建的中國園林 (流芳園)四個景點分別創作四件書法作品,近期再應邀為流芳園的第二期擴建工程之需,書寫了行書楹聯和篆書匾額。
洛杉磯時間:2014-11-2 消息來源:環球通訊社 網友評論評0条
「禍因惡積福緣善慶」── 源自『千字文』
袁志鍾書法研習社 辦作品展
by 【洛杉磯訊】
10.29.14 - 06:00 am
從事書法創作與教育的專業書法家袁志鍾,作品曾多次展出於美國、中國、日本、韓國、臺灣等地,先後獲得許多大獎,書法作品被各地文化機構及私人典藏。美國洛杉磯藝術博物館有袁志鍾的墨寶,臺灣國立藝術教育館典藏了他的獲獎作品,日本書人會及洛杉磯日美文化中心也珍藏了他的大作。2007年應漢庭頓圖書館之邀為新建的中國園林 (流芳園)四個景點分別創作四件書法作品,近期再應邀為流芳園的第二期擴建工程之需,書寫了行書楹聯和篆書匾額。
洛杉磯時間:2014-11-2 消息來源:環球通訊社 網友評論評0条
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Riddick (2013, Movie)
This third film in the "Riddick" franchise is a step up from the second, "Chronicles of Riddick" and we find Riddick half dead again. Riddick is once again marooned on a hostile, barren planet filled with all sorts of deadly creatures. It's fun to root for Riddick, an anti-hero who is definitely not a nice guy but is still somehow appealing. The creation of Riddick's pet hyena-dog is especially noteworthy. We both are fans of actioners and of Diesel, we enjoyed this one.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
New crystals
We got 2 new pairs of Vera Wang's lead crystals for the future drink pleasure. Hubby tried to arrange them along with pomegranate and guavas.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Casshern (2004, movie)
This Japanese movie has familiar sci-fi/horror themes to many American movies; but maintains a uniquely Japanese feel to it. Once the action gets started it goes way over the top and is too cartoon-ish to really be taken seriously as an action film.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Blood and Bone (movie, 2009)
Fights are great not most of them last less than 20 seconds. Director made him fight too good. He NEVER gets hurt til the last fight. Great action, but not so good acting.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
全民目擊 (Silent Witness, Movie)
《全民目擊》的故事核心則是父親對女兒深沉的愛。卻讓這部電影有了更多的人情味。 如果把這電影當成懸疑推理片,那麼整個故事簡單的讓人提不起興趣。龍壁牆的故事是這電影裡最多餘的一條線。
《全民目擊》的故事核心則是父親對女兒深沉的愛。卻讓這部電影有了更多的人情味。 如果把這電影當成懸疑推理片,那麼整個故事簡單的讓人提不起興趣。龍壁牆的故事是這電影裡最多餘的一條線。
Monday, October 13, 2014
10/10/2014 (Carol):
感謝 Jason 姚以及 Jason 李兩位老師於上一期手法班的悉心教導, 加上Jason 李老師在課後數次的加強聚會, 使我在基本的站姿, 力道, 手法, 甚至對於病患的反應, 交流, 關懷, 都有了粗淺的認識. 然而, 誠如Jason 李老師苦口婆心的告誡, 要想達到純熟的地步, 需要不斷的練習, 改進, 再接再厲, 不達一年不克為功. 加上在內, 外熱源的運用上, 更需要加強. 所以我決定排除萬難, 再度報名手法班, 力求圓滿.
同時得感謝疼惜我的老公黃武亮, 不辭辛勞地開車接送我每一次的聚會, 他是忠實的觀眾, 也是我練習按推的夥伴. 常和小組同學自誇, 我比他們幸運, 練習的次數較多.
在我鍥而不捨的鼓舞之下, 老公開始觀看張釗漢醫師的演講視頻了. 真希望能夠二人共同向原始點醫學邁進.
10/10/2014 (Wu Liang):
原始點醫學是老婆陸秀華發現的新大陸, 卻是我的苦差事, 她身體不佳, 開車技術又不小心, 只好權當司機, 載送上課及聚會. 每回在一旁靜靜觀看, 多少也偷學了兩招. 回到家中, 為了和老婆大人套招, 只好現買現賣. 因為身形孔武有力, 施展在纖細的老婆身上, 時常按推她哇哇大叫, 說我按到骨頭上了, 之後她總會痛上數日.
有兩回, 讓我見識到原始點醫學的功力. 一次是我的臀部腫脹疼痛, 竟然被按推臀部原始點治癒; 另一次是我的肩膀酸痛, 也經按推後痊癒. 也許我和原始點醫學有緣吧! 開始努力以赴, 觀看張釗漢醫師的演講視頻. 張醫師解說寒症的殺傷力, 確實所言不虛. 此外, 身為佛教徒, 深信置之四海皆準的”因緣果”之定律. 相信假以時日, 原始點醫學逐漸讓更多的眾生受益, 離苦得樂.
盼望此次手法班能夠和老婆一同學習, 互相切磋.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Godiva coffee
Trying out Godiva coffee is hubby's idea since his sisters are all crazy about it in Taiwan. We bought two kinds, Hazelnut Creme and Chocolate Truffle.
We were so excited this morning. You'll be addicted to the rich fragrance when the package of Truffle was opened. After brewing it the French style, I tried to first smell the aroma, followed by a sip. Wow, what a disappointment comparing to the ones we're familiar with from Sprouts, which has much more sustaining smell and taste! I believe the key is "freshness". Locally grown at Red Volcano and transported it to Sprouts within days make it fresh enough. Our favorite flavor is Caramel Creme.
This is our morning ritual, enjoying coffee with a serene garden scenery through the window. What a life!
We were so excited this morning. You'll be addicted to the rich fragrance when the package of Truffle was opened. After brewing it the French style, I tried to first smell the aroma, followed by a sip. Wow, what a disappointment comparing to the ones we're familiar with from Sprouts, which has much more sustaining smell and taste! I believe the key is "freshness". Locally grown at Red Volcano and transported it to Sprouts within days make it fresh enough. Our favorite flavor is Caramel Creme.
This is our morning ritual, enjoying coffee with a serene garden scenery through the window. What a life!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Ikenobo Ikebana (池坊花道) Floral Exhibition
It's a two day exhibition of floral arrangement, plus a demo class. Ikenobo Ikebana is Japanese art of floral arrangement. More than simply putting flowers in a container, it's a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are brought together.
From trial and error, here is my accomplishment:
Do you like my pet?
From trial and error, here is my accomplishment:
Do you like my pet?
Friday, October 3, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Frozen (2013, Movie)
I thought it to be the best animated movie I've seen this year. The landscape animation is beautiful, the snowman is hilarious, and the songs for the most part are really strong.
It is inspired by the highly regarded Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, "The Snow Queen"; and inspired means just that...there is a snow queen, a reindeer, and trolls, and the setting is somewhere in Norway; but otherwise the story is original. Just an all around great animated film with a wonderful moral message. The title may be "Frozen" but it will warm your hearts.
It is inspired by the highly regarded Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, "The Snow Queen"; and inspired means just that...there is a snow queen, a reindeer, and trolls, and the setting is somewhere in Norway; but otherwise the story is original. Just an all around great animated film with a wonderful moral message. The title may be "Frozen" but it will warm your hearts.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Cultivate deep gratitude toward everyone.
Those who have attained Buddhahood did so by cultivating loving kindness, compassion, generosity and patience towards living beings. It follows that if there were no sentient beings, we could not attain enlightenment; therefore, for us, there is no difference between the kindness of Buddhas and that of sentient beings. Especially, consider that all those who cause harm are as benevolent as spiritual friends. To repay their beneficence, even if unable to respond to injury by tangibly helping them, we bring about their benefit by means of wishes and words.
If you are able even when distracted, you have trained well.
Even when distracted, able riders do not fall from their horses. Similarly, even when harm-doers and their like suddenly appear, if we do not experience anger but use the situation to enhance our lojong practice, the mind has been well-trained.
Training must continue until Buddhahood has been achieved!
-- from "A Concise Lojong Manual", by Konchok Yenlak, the 5th Shamarpa
If you are able even when distracted, you have trained well.
Even when distracted, able riders do not fall from their horses. Similarly, even when harm-doers and their like suddenly appear, if we do not experience anger but use the situation to enhance our lojong practice, the mind has been well-trained.
Training must continue until Buddhahood has been achieved!
-- from "A Concise Lojong Manual", by Konchok Yenlak, the 5th Shamarpa
Monday, September 29, 2014
Autumn Beauty
We received a solicitation card in the mail from a local artist Leisa Collins who does personalized watercolor house portraits from across the USA and have now created house portraits in 41 states and in 30 different architectural styles. The styles include Craftsman homes, Bungalows, Victorian, historic homes and more. Her general price range for a house portrait is $350 to $695, depending on size and framing and to some degree the detail in the house itself.
Just as personal tastes vary, every home is uniquely different, so my hubby said that we could utilize Photo Shop to mimic the watercolor effect from a camera-taken picture. Since I don't have Photo Shop to play with, let's just enjoy the fall faves from my newly painted house pictures.
Had I had a magic wand of paint brush, I'd still paint my dream house Yellow......
See how yummy buttery yellow could look in our California Ranch style house exterior.
Consider this warm hue a blank canvas on walls, it works as a neutral and keeps any space open and bright.
Don't get too caught up on a perfect color match. Layer varying shades of orange--even golds--into a space for a gorgeous complementary palette. Enjoy this Halloween spirit!
Warm reds with lavender Cora Vinca....
At the corner of my backyard patio....
Just as personal tastes vary, every home is uniquely different, so my hubby said that we could utilize Photo Shop to mimic the watercolor effect from a camera-taken picture. Since I don't have Photo Shop to play with, let's just enjoy the fall faves from my newly painted house pictures.
Had I had a magic wand of paint brush, I'd still paint my dream house Yellow......
See how yummy buttery yellow could look in our California Ranch style house exterior.
Consider this warm hue a blank canvas on walls, it works as a neutral and keeps any space open and bright.
Don't get too caught up on a perfect color match. Layer varying shades of orange--even golds--into a space for a gorgeous complementary palette. Enjoy this Halloween spirit!
Warm reds with lavender Cora Vinca....
At the corner of my backyard patio....
Saturday, September 27, 2014
C'mon, get happy
It's simpler than you think. "Act out of passion, not fear."
With leaves at their colorful peak, just stepping out the front door can be a treat, Whether you're on a full-on fall walk or picking up the mail, take a snapshot of your favorite foliage and feel the stress lift.
With leaves at their colorful peak, just stepping out the front door can be a treat, Whether you're on a full-on fall walk or picking up the mail, take a snapshot of your favorite foliage and feel the stress lift.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Divergent (2014, Movie)
This is the first of a dystopian trilogy. The underlying premise of this future post-apocalyptic version of Chicago is a little hard to swallow - who thinks it's a great idea to pigeonhole each person based on a single characteristic? At least the system of government in 'The Hunger Games' made sense in a Roman sort of way. I'm not sure Shailene Woodley was right for the part of Tris as I had difficulty connecting with her character.
it is still an excellent sci/fi actioner, plus an extreme deficiency of logic. I'll bet that my hubby will be looking forward to the sequel though.
it is still an excellent sci/fi actioner, plus an extreme deficiency of logic. I'll bet that my hubby will be looking forward to the sequel though.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Party at Ying Yuen's new home
The following were taken by Joyce using Meipai:
Location: Armen Tan and Ying's new home in San Marino
Host and hostess: Armen Tan and Ying Yuen, and sons Teddy and Archie
Participants: Joyce Huo and son Alvin; Yali Liu and sons George and Richard; Dr. Danny Chung and Mrs. Jenny Chung; Tracy Au and mother and twin daughters and niece; Susan and Mr. Walter Yao; Carol Lu and Wu Liang Huang
House warming of Ying's new home plus celebrating 3 peoples' birthdays are the keys of the party. On a breezy California afternoon, we gathered multiple talented food minds to share a unique sort of potluck. Each friend brought one or two different delicious points of view to the table.
Touring the newly remodeled home was a joy. Entering the solid thick door reminds me of 八卦 design. In addition, the black tiles gives you another "awe" feeling! The living room is in the bungalow style with the old-fashioned brick fireplace, just like my house. All the other interiors caught my eyes are crystal chandeliers, green-top kitchen island, electric stove, glass-door ice box, bottom-open cupboard, contemporary bathroom tiles and more. We also put in our two-cents for wine and glass racks. Gee, it's a very cozy home to me.
The food is vibrant, the laughter is constant, and the meal is recorded with a snap, a tweet, and a post. We are there to sneak a bite and follow the fun!
Lemonade and red wine get the cocktail treatment for drinks that complement a turn-of-the-season menu. We enjoy every moment there.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
TFGH Annual Banquet on 09/06/2014 (南加州北一女校友會第三十屆年會)
What a wonderful night with all the good food, nice performances, fun karaoke, plus the ambience of the girls' giggle.
There is a saying: "To realize the value o f a friend...lose one."
Wish all my dear friends young and happy, always!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
一見未鍾情 (Movie, 2014)
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Pacific Rim (2013, Movie)
It's a movie about giant nuclear-powered robots fighting enormous marauding alien monsters from another dimension. Its not complicated, its tongue-in-cheek, and a great homage to Japanese monster/robot films. Fun!
Friday, August 8, 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014, Movie)
Wolverine is sent back in time to help dodge a moment in the past that could change the course of history.
The best part of the film far and away is Quicksilver, who makes The Flash look like a sloth. The slow motion / real-time kitchen battle scene is hilarious and one of the best super-hero film moments ever. Quicksilver rescues Magneto from an ultra-security prison, but the film fails when he doesn't join the gang for the rest, to save Trask, help capture Mystique and neutralize Erik Magneto.
The best part of the film far and away is Quicksilver, who makes The Flash look like a sloth. The slow motion / real-time kitchen battle scene is hilarious and one of the best super-hero film moments ever. Quicksilver rescues Magneto from an ultra-security prison, but the film fails when he doesn't join the gang for the rest, to save Trask, help capture Mystique and neutralize Erik Magneto.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Laguna Beach Festival of Arts
For about 80 plus years the nation's oldest and very highly celebrated fine art show, the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts has offered this breathtaking showcase for artists and art lovers alike. The Festival's respected art show includes a huge variety of art such as paintings, photography, printmaking, sculpture, jewelry, handcrafted wood and furniture, ceramics, glass and much, much more.
We strolled over and checked out the nearby The Cliff restaurant in Main Beach for dinner. After dinner, we used the same tickets to enter "Art A Fair", which is for non-Laguna artists, free. However, the tickets didn't work for "Sawdust Festival"!
We also enjoyed great Spanish guitar music playing the night we walked the grounds and the temperature was perfect.
The only way to describe the Pageant of the Masters is to say that is live art. Instead of painted people you have real people that are painted to look just like the picture of "Washington Crossing Delaware". All of the cast are volunteers! It is held in an outdoor amphitheater, with a professional orchestra, live narration, and the sets are so intricate. The lighting also helps to pull the breathtaking re-creations of classical and contemporary masterpieces together.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Edge of Tomorrow (2014, Movie)
Think Alien Meets Transformers Meets Groundhog Day. Gotta admit Cruise looks great for 52...and can still pass as an action hero. The death sequences & rebirths are often hilarious. The end is totally unexplained in the context of the film: why would he wake up in the helicopter, and, it makes no sense that he destroyed the Omega BEFORE he actually did in the film.
逆鱗 (Movie, 2014)
「逆鱗」是一部史劇電影。以朝鮮2 7代君王中最富戲劇性人生的第22代王正祖實際體驗的「 丁酉叛亂」事件為主題,發生「叛亂」24小時前到事件發 生的瞬間,針對這段時間的事情所描寫出來的劇情。設定在 24小時的時間內,為了刺殺正祖而進行的事情是其重點。「丁酉叛亂」是時代扭轉的必然副產物。當時是朝鮮時代500年歴史中黨派爭論最激烈的時期。「逆鱗」在24小時和時間的限制中、必須描寫正祖的人性苦悩和阻止「丁酉叛亂」機智高的王,從一開始就是非合乎道理的電影。
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sacred Cremation of our beloved Rinpoche on 07/31/2014
Shamar Rinpoche was the second-highest Karma Kagyu leader and one of the most important personalities in the Himalayas and for modern Buddhism worldwide, due to his widely recognized spiritual realization and broad range of academic and humanitarian activities.
From Germany to New Dehli to Kalimpong to Bhutan and finally Nepal, at SHARMINUB
MONASTERY, our dearest Guru Shamarpa, you are a strong and brave Rinpoche, who stands for equanimity & justice with great wisdom & compassion, mainly for the authentic Karma Kargu Lineage to continue turning the wheel of dharma in this degenerative age.
Tens of thousands of Buddhists from all over the world bid farewell to Tibetan Buddhist leader. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje lead cremation ceremonies in Nepal on July 31st. Buddhists from all over the world welcome decision of Nepalese government.
Since his Paranirvana, every event has a purpose. Rinpoche wants us to pause and reflect. Even after his passing, we deeply appreciate his teaching. Shamarpa loves us and will never leave us spiritually. "His students from all over the world now meditate together and make strong wishes for Shamarpa's swift rebirth that, according to Buddhist tradition, will be found and recognized by the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje," said Jigme Rinpoche, general secretary of Karmapa. I sincerely pray for his swift return.
From Germany to New Dehli to Kalimpong to Bhutan and finally Nepal, at SHARMINUB
MONASTERY, our dearest Guru Shamarpa, you are a strong and brave Rinpoche, who stands for equanimity & justice with great wisdom & compassion, mainly for the authentic Karma Kargu Lineage to continue turning the wheel of dharma in this degenerative age.
Tens of thousands of Buddhists from all over the world bid farewell to Tibetan Buddhist leader. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje lead cremation ceremonies in Nepal on July 31st. Buddhists from all over the world welcome decision of Nepalese government.
Since his Paranirvana, every event has a purpose. Rinpoche wants us to pause and reflect. Even after his passing, we deeply appreciate his teaching. Shamarpa loves us and will never leave us spiritually. "His students from all over the world now meditate together and make strong wishes for Shamarpa's swift rebirth that, according to Buddhist tradition, will be found and recognized by the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje," said Jigme Rinpoche, general secretary of Karmapa. I sincerely pray for his swift return.
Monday, July 28, 2014
1. 資格:請務必將張釗漢醫師的馬來西亞演講(或河南演講)和在新加坡拍攝的手法教學,全部觀看完畢至少一遍。
2. 方式:將觀看演講和教學後的心得,或幫自身或家人朋友處理的經驗寫成心得報告,再寄到本班的Contact,即完成報名。
3. 報名後,我們將視您對原始點醫學(觀念和手法)的熟悉程度和學習動機,擇優錄取。
4. 預定本期手法班上課日期:每星期一晚上7點到9點,總共4次。(若有調整會提早通知)
今年三月時, 開始接觸原始點醫學, 可以說是我人生的另一個轉捩點. 怎麼說呢? 經歷了兩次癌症, 一系列的化療及電療, 拖著被摧殘得只剩下半條命的皮囊, 我理當更加珍惜生命. 於是小心翼翼地限制素食, 生機飲食, 運動, 加上宗教訴求, 心靈成長; 十數年來, 幸運地甩開了癌症陰影, 然而身體壯況卻未明顯改善, 免疫力仍舊低落, 精神不繼, 睡眠品質也差.
開始觀看張釗漢醫師的演講, 看了兩集, 就被他的當頭棒和之理論震撼住了! 迫不及待看完全部46 集, 深刻感受到他悲天憫人, 以救天下蒼生為己任的菩薩胸懷. 最難能可貴的, 是甘冒天下之大不韙, 而與中, 西醫為敵. 我的收穫是: 糾正了不少一輩子遵行的教條, 在剩下來的人生旅途上, 能少走些冤枉路.
我本人曾嘗試自己按推 ”肘部原始點”, 企望解除我的 ”高爾夫球肘” 病痛, 同時溫敷及喝薑湯. 實施三月餘, 病痛無好轉, 反而引發雙耳後癢刺的濕疹. 在不知所措之下, 只好停止薑湯. 濕疹慢慢退去, 然而已對原始點生退心. 惶惶然無人可以求助. 加上老公鐵齒, 總認為原始點是一小撮人, 窮居一隅, 發明出來的玩意兒, 既缺乏數據, 又聳人聽聞. 每每叫我趕緊去西醫處注射類固醇. 此刻的我感到極端孤單.
7月27日的體驗營, 真正是及時雨, 非但讓我理解到 “高爾夫球肘” 必須按推 “肩部原始點”, 也讓我老公觀念為之一新, 可以說埋下了一顆種子, 不再視原始點醫學為敵人了. 不過, 他也語重心長地説: 原始點醫學想要發揚光大, 一定要擺脫菜販子架構, 須要請專家釐訂所有個案, 分析, 統計, 比較, 製表, 加上令人信服的解說, 和紮實的 理論基礎, 使之成為一種規律或法則.
我非常希望能夠進一步學習正確的按推手法, 以後可以幫助身邊的親朋好友, 更能為宣傳原始點醫學盡一份棉力.
若我有幸報名成功, 有一小要求: 因為我老公不放心我晚上開車, 他會駕車送我去教室. 可否讓他在一旁觀摩呢?
1. 資格:請務必將張釗漢醫師的馬來西亞演講(或河南演講)和在新加坡拍攝的手法教學,全部觀看完畢至少一遍。
2. 方式:將觀看演講和教學後的心得,或幫自身或家人朋友處理的經驗寫成心得報告,再寄到本班的Contact,即完成報名。
3. 報名後,我們將視您對原始點醫學(觀念和手法)的熟悉程度和學習動機,擇優錄取。
4. 預定本期手法班上課日期:每星期一晚上7點到9點,總共4次。(若有調整會提早通知)
開始觀看張釗漢醫師的演講, 看了兩集, 就被他的當頭棒和之理論震撼住了! 迫不及待看完全部46 集, 深刻感受到他悲天憫人, 以救天下蒼生為己任的菩薩胸懷. 最難能可貴的, 是甘冒天下之大不韙, 而與中, 西醫為敵. 我的收穫是: 糾正了不少一輩子遵行的教條, 在剩下來的人生旅途上, 能少走些冤枉路.
我本人曾嘗試自己按推 ”肘部原始點”, 企望解除我的 ”高爾夫球肘” 病痛, 同時溫敷及喝薑湯. 實施三月餘, 病痛無好轉, 反而引發雙耳後癢刺的濕疹. 在不知所措之下, 只好停止薑湯. 濕疹慢慢退去, 然而已對原始點生退心. 惶惶然無人可以求助. 加上老公鐵齒, 總認為原始點是一小撮人, 窮居一隅, 發明出來的玩意兒, 既缺乏數據, 又聳人聽聞. 每每叫我趕緊去西醫處注射類固醇. 此刻的我感到極端孤單.
7月27日的體驗營, 真正是及時雨, 非但讓我理解到 “高爾夫球肘” 必須按推 “肩部原始點”, 也讓我老公觀念為之一新, 可以說埋下了一顆種子, 不再視原始點醫學為敵人了. 不過, 他也語重心長地説: 原始點醫學想要發揚光大, 一定要擺脫菜販子架構, 須要請專家釐訂所有個案, 分析, 統計, 比較, 製表, 加上令人信服的解說, 和紮實的 理論基礎, 使之成為一種規律或法則.
我非常希望能夠進一步學習正確的按推手法, 以後可以幫助身邊的親朋好友, 更能為宣傳原始點醫學盡一份棉力.
若我有幸報名成功, 有一小要求: 因為我老公不放心我晚上開車, 他會駕車送我去教室. 可否讓他在一旁觀摩呢?
Monday, July 21, 2014
2014 Lightning Tai-chi International Championship
2014 第四屆『雷霆太極國際邀請賽』
This year it was held at South Pasadena Middle School. I joined Sun's Style demonstration, competed in Yang's 48 Form and also volunteered in assisting score entering. And I won the 1st place in Yang's 48 Form.
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