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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thor: The Dark World (2013, Movie)

This is not meant to be a standalone movie, but is another installment of Marvel's juggernaut anthology. The Jane Foster storyline serves as a convenient excuse to shove in an awkward and wholly unnecessary "love story" into the fray, which then receives far more screen time than it merits. The story is gibberish, the bad guy is a cardboard cutout, the special effects look good but really detract from the fantasy setting. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Heaven Is for Real (2014, Movie)

Colton: "In heaven, everybody is young." "Heaven Is For Real" portrays a true story about Colton Burpo, the four year old pastor's child who has a near death experience; and not only does he believe he's visited heaven - in that innocent wide-eyed wonder of a child - he can describe people and events that apparently prove he was there. The standout performance is by 6-year old Connor Corum in his first movie role...what a delight and marvel this child is to watch! It's being a true story just makes it all the more powerful! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My work out picture in Arcadia "The Buzz" Winter magazine

This picture was taken by the city photographer when I was in the Strength Training class sponsored by the City of Arcadia.

See how well I was equipped.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hercules (2014, Movie)

An enjoyable blockbuster interpretation of Hercules. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was outstanding in the role of Hercules, since he is really muscular and strong like Hercules.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Karma: the manifestation of the confused mind

Sometimes the mind is influenced by ego-clinging or selfishness. Sometimes the mind is influenced by strong anger or aggression and sometimes by strong desire or attachment, pride, or jealousy. 
All of these emotional states cause the mind to create ideas and to perform actions that create what we call a karmic potential, a karmic seed. These karmic seeds are collected in the mind where they continue as habitual tendencies. As these tendencies ripen, as the karma created by confused thought or action comes to full fruition, this produces the experience of an event in our impression of the world around us. This is our karma, the manifestation of the confused mind. 
~ Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche (Shamarpa)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014, Movie)

The film opens with Rogers (Chris Evans) trying to find some sort of life for himself outside of Captain America, largely with the help of Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson). Look for a fine outing from Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce, a corrupt leader within S.H.I.E.L.D....first time I've seen Redford as a villain. The computer generated special effects are as awesome as always.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

袁志鍾書法研習社作品展 (Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition of Terry Yuan and His Students)

This is my piece of work (行楷書) after 2 and half years' endeavor.

「禍因惡積福緣善慶」── 源自『千字文』

袁志鍾書法研習社 辦作品展
by 【洛杉磯訊】
10.29.14 - 06:00 am
袁志鍾書法研習社作品展訂於11月1、2日 (星期六,日)兩天,上午11時至下午5時,假洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心展示廳展出。地址:9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte,開幕儀式在1日下午2時舉行。現場有師生揮毫表演,袁老師當場書寫的作品,將作為現場來賓抽獎之用。


從事書法創作與教育的專業書法家袁志鍾,作品曾多次展出於美國、中國、日本、韓國、臺灣等地,先後獲得許多大獎,書法作品被各地文化機構及私人典藏。美國洛杉磯藝術博物館有袁志鍾的墨寶,臺灣國立藝術教育館典藏了他的獲獎作品,日本書人會及洛杉磯日美文化中心也珍藏了他的大作。2007年應漢庭頓圖書館之邀為新建的中國園林 (流芳園)四個景點分別創作四件書法作品,近期再應邀為流芳園的第二期擴建工程之需,書寫了行書楹聯和篆書匾額。


洛杉磯時間:2014-11-2    消息來源:環球通訊社   網友評論評0条





Saturday, November 1, 2014