The Indiana Jones movies were directed by Steven Speilberg and written
by George Lucas and a small army of screenwriters, but they exist in a
universe of their own. Hell, they created it. All you can do is compare one to the other three. That's why no Indy adventure can match "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981). True, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" stands alone as an action masterpiece, but after that the series is compelled to be, in the words of Indiana himself, "same old same old."
Up against the Russians, Indiana Jones is once again played by Harrison Ford, who is now 65 but looks a lot like he did at 55 or 46, which is how old he was when he made "Last Crusade." He has one of those Robert Mitchum faces that doesn't age, it only frowns more.
The crystal skull is one of 13 crystal skulls, and the other 12 are in a subterranean chamber. When the set is complete, amazing events take place. What is the function of the chamber? "It's a portal--to another dimension!" Oxley says.
Director Steven Spielberg and star Harrison Ford have no trouble getting back into the groove with a story and style very much in keeping with what has made the series so perennially popular.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Xmas 2010
Trying out Japanese curry dishes is Daddy's idea. It turned out kids loved it too, although beef goes much better with curry than chicken. All of us enjoyed this shiny pre-Xmas eve day after a week of gloomy rainy storms.
Again, some photos from our lovely home.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
National Treasure: Book of Secrets(National Treasure 2) (2007, Movie)
It seems that Benjamin Franklin Gates's great-grandfather, long venerated as the man who in 1865 burned a page of John Wilkes Booth's diary in order to prevent the Confederacy from acquiring a cache of gold, was actually in on the scheme. For that matter, it's never explained why so many people over so many generations have spent so much time and money guarding the City of Gold.
There's certainly nothing to treasure about this movie.
There's certainly nothing to treasure about this movie.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Future of Food (2004, Documentary)
Why is it that we have abundant food yet there are one billion hungry or starving people in the world, most of them living in rural areas?
It is widely accepted that organic agriculture contributes to the alleviation of poverty, but there are still mis-conceptions that organic agriculture cannot feed the world. According to Markus Arbenz, who is Executive Director of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), "It can! Organic agriculture currently has similar yields to conventional agriculture and often much higher yields in regions of the world where production environments are tough." And he adds, "Conventional practices deplete soils and thereby undermine long term food security."
According to Arbenz, "We need a paradigm shift - a new strategy based on affordable production systems for the poor through the smart use of biodiversity and the solutions that nature offers while acknowledging the diversity of cultures and leveraging the knowledge and practices they bring." Eco-intensification is the alternative that the organic movement suggests. It sees immense potential to achieve greater productivity and resilience by enhancing the biological activity of farming systems rather than outsourcing performance to costly, toxic inputs with wide-ranging adverse effects.
It is widely accepted that organic agriculture contributes to the alleviation of poverty, but there are still mis-conceptions that organic agriculture cannot feed the world. According to Markus Arbenz, who is Executive Director of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), "It can! Organic agriculture currently has similar yields to conventional agriculture and often much higher yields in regions of the world where production environments are tough." And he adds, "Conventional practices deplete soils and thereby undermine long term food security."
According to Arbenz, "We need a paradigm shift - a new strategy based on affordable production systems for the poor through the smart use of biodiversity and the solutions that nature offers while acknowledging the diversity of cultures and leveraging the knowledge and practices they bring." Eco-intensification is the alternative that the organic movement suggests. It sees immense potential to achieve greater productivity and resilience by enhancing the biological activity of farming systems rather than outsourcing performance to costly, toxic inputs with wide-ranging adverse effects.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
歲月神偷 (Movie, 2010)
60年代的香港,風雲變幻。一面要忍受港英政府的壓制,一面又受到内地運動的波及,鞋匠羅一家四口,在街尾以做鞋為生。羅啟銳的"歲月神偷",把偷去的歲月, 笑聲, 淚水與童年,一次還給了我們。
Monday, November 29, 2010
Iron Man (2008, Movie)
It's an exemplary comic book fantasia. He knows about ups and downs: Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, the weapons maker who transforms himself into the Iron Man after he's injured. Towards the end, the good and bad Iron Man's full-metal body condoms look the way they do for entirely cinematic reasons. It's a fair comic book movie.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Temple Grandin (2010, Movie)
TEMPLE GRANDIN is an HBO FILM starring Clare Danes as an inspiring autistic woman who was able to work through her disability and achieve her dreams. It is an uphill battle for both Temple and her determined mother. Temple has a brilliant mind trapped within a body that is unable to function normally. Temple is thus able to soar new heights in the field of Animal Husbandry. Despite being Autistic she is able to create a new invention for dipping cattle and for more humane slaughter houses. This was a riveting performance by Claire Danes.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
First glimpse of a planet from another galaxy
By Jean-Louis Santini
A hot, gaseous and fast-spinning planet has been found orbiting a dying star on the edge of the Milky Way, in the first such discovery of a planet from outside our galaxy, scientists said.
Slightly larger than the size of Jupiter, the largest in our solar system, the newly discovered exoplanet (extrasolar planet) is orbiting a star 2,000 light years from Earth that has found its way into the Milky Way.
The pair are believed to be part of the Helmi stream, a group of stars that remains after its mini-galaxy was devoured by the Milky Way some six to nine billion years ago, said the study in Science Express.
"This discovery is very exciting," said Rainer Klement of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.
"Because of the great distances involved, there are no confirmed detections of planets in other galaxies. But this cosmic merger has brought an extragalactic planet within our reach."
Astronomers were able to locate the planet, coined HIP 13044 b, by focusing on the "tiny telltale wobbles of the star caused by the gravitational tug of an orbiting companion," the study said.
They used a powerful telescope owned by the European Southern Laboratory at La Silla Observatory in Chile, located at an altitude of 2,400 meters (7,800 feet) some 600 kilometers (375 miles) north of the capital, Santiago.
The planet is quite close to the star it is orbiting, and survived a phase in which its host star went through a massive growth after it depleted its core hydrogen fuel supply, a phase known as the "red giant" stage of stellar evolution.
"This discovery is particularly intriguing when we consider the distant future of our own planetary system, as the Sun is also expected to become a red giant in about five billion years," said lead researcher Johny Setiawan of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.
The exoplanet is likely to be quite hot because it is orbiting so close to its star, completing each orbit in just over 16 days, and is probably near the end of its life, astronomers said.
The star may have already swallowed other planets in its orbit, making the star spin more quickly and meaning that time is running out for the surviving exoplanet.
Astronomers were mystified as to how the planet might have formed, since the star contained few elements heavier than hydrogen and helium and planets typically form out of a complex cloud of spinning space rubble.
"It is a puzzle for the widely accepted model of planet formation to explain how such a star, which contains hardly any heavy elements at all, could have formed a planet," said Setiawan.
"Planets around stars like this must probably form in a different way."
Monday, November 15, 2010
LTC Certification Exam
Finally, Wu Liang and I both passed the ranking examinations. He was in for 24-forms and I for 48-forms first half. Mater Hsing encouraged us for participation which is a way of confirming ourselves. As Master Hsing described, 'Long-time practitioners of Lightning Tai Chi eventually achieve an internal strength that manifests itself like thunder in their voices and movements (內勁沖盈 發乎聲而顯於形).' We still have a long way to go.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Aftershock(Tangshan Dadizhen, 唐山大地震, 2010, Movie)
Great movie! It started off during the 1976 Tangshan earthquake with unimaginable onscreen devastation and spanned an epic saga to modern day china. And all was tied together with one of the most original story about family and human emotions that spanned 30+ years. Many call it a sad story, but I think the ending is a happy one, and satisfying for the viewers.
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Prophet(Un Prophète) (2009, Movie)
The Muslims see Malik as Corsican, the Corsicans see him as a dirty Arab, the gypsies see him as weak, the guards don't see him at all and when he's beaten there is no one to help. Above all else, 'A Prophet' is a true-telling prison story. It's dark, dirty, and downright devastating to see what people go through in these prisons, but at the same time, it's refreshing to see it played out with brutal accuracy and honesty.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Why Can’t Middle-Aged Women Have Long Hair?
I'd love to be able to braid my hair up again some day!
It’s become a cultural norm: women of a certain age cut off their hair.
By Dominique Browning
A concerned friend suggests that it undermines my professional credibility. But in the middle of my life, I’m happy with it. Which is saying a lot about anything happening to my 55-year-old body.
What’s worse (to my critics) is that my hair is graying. Of course it is. Everyone’s hair is graying. But some of us aren’t ready to go there. That’s fine with me — I’m not judgmental about dyes.
No one seems to have any problems when a woman of a certain age cuts her hair off. It is considered the appropriate thing to do. I can see the appeal, and have, at times in my life, gone that route. The short of it is that long hair means there is always, at least, hope.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Clash of the Titans (2010, Movie)
The filmmakers behind the new update of the 1981 "Clash of the Titans" may have had the best intentions of bringing the classic to life for a new audience. It was okay and the special computerized effects were good, but overall it lacked passion from the actors.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Food Matters (2008, Documentary)
Remember the words of Hippocrates:
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.
This show documents the American medical establishment's bias against nutritional therapy. It's well produced. Linus Pauling invented orthomolecular medicine. This clear, convincing documentary will open your eyes to good nutrition. Inspiring speakers such as raw foodist David Wolfe and orthomolecular scientist Andrew Saul regale you with their experiences.
It also presents The Gerson Therapy which is a treatment with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification.
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.
This show documents the American medical establishment's bias against nutritional therapy. It's well produced. Linus Pauling invented orthomolecular medicine. This clear, convincing documentary will open your eyes to good nutrition. Inspiring speakers such as raw foodist David Wolfe and orthomolecular scientist Andrew Saul regale you with their experiences.
It also presents The Gerson Therapy which is a treatment with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Cove(The Rising) (2009, Documentary)
This is possibly the most moving thing I have ever seen. It is about the trade and slaughter of dolphins in Taijii, Japan. Louie Psihoyos (a “National Geographic” veteran) and director/filmmaker for The Cove actually becomes part of Richard O'Barry's team and helps recruit the rest of the highly trained and unique specialists for this covert ops mission unlike anything you've ever seen in a documentary.
his is powerful film that takes you on a journey of discovery as a group of ordinary people seek to expose a great atrocity that affects the world in which we live.
his is powerful film that takes you on a journey of discovery as a group of ordinary people seek to expose a great atrocity that affects the world in which we live.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Gerrymandering (2010, Documentary)
An interesting documentary that explains not only what gerrymandering is, but why it is a problem. Although the practice is legal, pundits predict it will undermine American democracy.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Nancy Liu's Dance Performance, September 2010
It's the first dance performance under Nancy Liu's instruction since I started dancing with her this past February. She has a talent of merging contemporary beats into traditional dance. I participated in two group dances:
- The Nomadic Girl is a Mongolia dance. The dancers swing fast like the horses gallop and moving slow and elegant like the beautiful sound from Matouqin. The whole dance gives a taste like milk tea in a shepherd's tent.
- Happy Sea is a Cha-Cha dance. Dancers use Uygur dress to interpret the passion of Latin dance.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny (2008, Comedy)
His act isn't completely clean but with him you really don't notice too much. I personally didn't like it because this seems more catered toward a black audience. Not to say I don't like black comedians. Something I couldn't really relate to for some reason.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Over the Hedge (2006, Animated)
Welcome to an amusing war between cute critters and crass consumers. During the winter, half of their forest has been replaced by a suburb, and the animals are separated from it by a gigantic hedge. That's the setup for a feature cartoon that is not at the level of "Finding Nemo" or "Shrek," but is a lot of fun, awfully nice to look at, and filled with energy and smiles.
"Hedge" is built for laughter rather than artistry though.
"Hedge" is built for laughter rather than artistry though.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mom's Birthday Party (September 2010)
At her 84th Birthday party, it was a full house. Many so-called VIPs joined the crowds. She was quite happy and energetic. You can tell from her Spanish dance. Even the Waltz showed her exquisite smile too. I chipped in one dance 'The Beautiful Nomadic Girl' to celebrate with her, which is the last link below.
- Introduction of Mom:
- Waltz by Mom:
- Spanish dance by Mom:
- Fox Trot by Mom:
- The Nomadic Girl by me:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mao's Last Dancer (2010, Movie)

Today, Li Cunxin lives in Melbourne, Australia and is working as a stockbroker. Since then, Li has written a bestselling biopic novel.
The Blind Side (2009, Movie)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Pride & Prejudice (2005, Movie)

A realist Austen? Not exactly.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(Män Som Hatar Kvinnor; Millennium: Part 1: Men Who Hate Women, 2009, Movie)

She is a 24-year-old goth girl named Lisbeth Salander, with body piercings and tattoos: thin, small, fierce, damaged, a genius computer hacker. Her revenge on her abusive guardian is graphic enough to freeze your blood. No fair revealing more, except to say that Danish director Niels Arden Oplev fits the puzzle pieces together like a grandmaster of the mystery game. Larsson followed Tattoo with two more posthumously published bestsellers, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (both shot for Swedish TV). But Tattoo is the only one directed by Oplev, whose gift for ratcheting up tension and deepening character makes him a talent to watch. His haunting and hypnotic movie gets under your skin.
This is a movie about characters who have more important things to do than be characters in an action thriller.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Letters to God (2010, Movie)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Step Up 3D (2010, Movie)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Dance Photos
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Spokane, WA trip
Tagged along with my hubby to his IAI conference held in Spokane, a charming small town in Washington. It's hard to believe that Spokane is the second largest city in the state of Washington. It's true that stepping out in any direction and I found a park or green space. At each different moment, I often took quick strolls which could lead me to the roaring falls of the Spokane River, a spiritual place for the first inhabitants here...where Native Americans continue to gather together. We visited Riverside State Park, Manito Park, Newman Lake, Davenport District, North West Museum, Gonzaga University, plus lots of trails. And yes, we tried the rafting on Spokane River, which was Wu Liang's first rafting experience. Wont' forget those beautiful pine trees, and churches everywhere.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Piano Teacher(La Pianiste) (Movie, 2002)

Erika Kohut (Isabelle Huppert) lives with her domineering mother (Annie Girardot) in Vienna, where she teaches piano at a conservatory. Erika lives a life of severity and control, but underneath she seethes with transgressive passions: Standing like a well-groomed martinet over her students, she seems to be willing them to fail. As she begins to explore the dark side of her sexuality (sex shops, self-mutilation, a dangerous affair with a young musician), her exploits take on the desperation of a woman trying to expunge desire altogether. Huppert delivers a courageous performance as the woman around whom it ultimately falls apart.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
燭光盛宴( 蔡素芬)

Friday, July 9, 2010
Forever Strong (2008, Movie)

There's not a lot of Rugby movies around, especially in the States - so this is a little unique.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Alice in Wonderland (2010, Movie)

Tim Burton's part-live action, part-animated, all-3D version of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is a collage of characters and episodes from Lewis Carroll’s two nineteenth-century books about a girl who falls into the rabbit hole of her own imagination.
When we meet her again, Alice has decidedly mixed feelings about her original trip down the rabbit hole, but begins to recall Wonderland more favorably as she's threatened with an arranged marriage to Hamish Ascot (Leo Bill), a conceited snot-nose twit. At the moment of truth in the wedding ceremony, she impulsively scampers away to follow another rabbit down another rabbit hole and finds below that she is actually remembered from her previous visit.
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