Zachary Quinto as Spock and Chris Pine as Kirk in "Star Trek."
The original crew of the USS Enterprise battle Romulans from the future in the eleventh Star Trek film. J.J. Abrams directs and we follow James T. Kirk from his first day enrolling at the Starfleet Academy.
The 2009 “Star Trek” film goes back eagerly to where “Star Trek” began, using time travel to explain a cast of mostly the same characters, only at a younger point in their lives, sailing the Starship Enterprise. Time travel as we all know, is impossible in the sense it happens here, but many things are possible in this film. Apart from details from the youths of the characters and the Spock reunion, it consists mostly of encounters between the Enterprise and the incomparably larger and much better armed Romulan spaceship from the future.
It's a space opera.
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