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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Riddick (2013, Movie)

This third film in the "Riddick" franchise is a step up from the second, "Chronicles of Riddick" and we find Riddick half dead again. Riddick is once again marooned on a hostile, barren planet filled with all sorts of deadly creatures. It's fun to root for Riddick, an anti-hero who is definitely not a nice guy but is still somehow appealing. The creation of Riddick's pet hyena-dog is especially noteworthy. We both are fans of actioners and of Diesel, we enjoyed this one. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New crystals

We got 2 new pairs of Vera Wang's lead crystals for the future drink pleasure.  Hubby tried to arrange them along with pomegranate and guavas.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Giant pomegranates

These two giant pomegranates are from Yali Liu's garden. Look at the size!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Casshern (2004, movie)

This Japanese movie has familiar sci-fi/horror themes to many American movies; but maintains a uniquely Japanese feel to it. Once the action gets started it goes way over the top and is too cartoon-ish to really be taken seriously as an action film. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blood and Bone (movie, 2009)

Fights are great not most of them last less than 20 seconds. Director made him fight too good. He NEVER gets hurt til the last fight. Great action, but not so good acting.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

全民目擊 (Silent Witness, Movie)


《全民目擊》的故事核心則是父親對女兒深沉的愛。卻讓這部電影有了更多的人情味。 如果把這電影當成懸疑推理片,那麼整個故事簡單的讓人提不起興趣。龍壁牆的故事是這電影裡最多餘的一條線。

Monday, October 13, 2014




10/10/2014 (Carol):
感謝 Jason 姚以及 Jason 李兩位老師於上一期手法班的悉心教導, 加上Jason 李老師在課後數次的加強聚會, 使我在基本的站姿, 力道, 手法, 甚至對於病患的反應, 交流, 關懷, 都有了粗淺的認識. 然而, 誠如Jason 李老師苦口婆心的告誡, 要想達到純熟的地步, 需要不斷的練習, 改進, 再接再厲, 不達一年不克為功. 加上在內, 外熱源的運用上, 更需要加強. 所以我決定排除萬難, 再度報名手法班, 力求圓滿.
同時得感謝疼惜我的老公黃武亮, 不辭辛勞地開車接送我每一次的聚會, 他是忠實的觀眾, 也是我練習按推的夥伴. 常和小組同學自誇, 我比他們幸運, 練習的次數較多.
在我鍥而不捨的鼓舞之下, 老公開始觀看張釗漢醫師的演講視頻了. 真希望能夠二人共同向原始點醫學邁進.

10/10/2014 (Wu Liang):
原始點醫學是老婆陸秀華發現的新大陸, 卻是我的苦差事, 她身體不佳, 開車技術又不小心, 只好權當司機, 載送上課及聚會. 每回在一旁靜靜觀看, 多少也偷學了兩招.  回到家中, 為了和老婆大人套招, 只好現買現賣. 因為身形孔武有力, 施展在纖細的老婆身上, 時常按推她哇哇大叫, 說我按到骨頭上了, 之後她總會痛上數日.
有兩回, 讓我見識到原始點醫學的功力. 一次是我的臀部腫脹疼痛, 竟然被按推臀部原始點治癒; 另一次是我的肩膀酸痛, 也經按推後痊癒. 也許我和原始點醫學有緣吧! 開始努力以赴, 觀看張釗漢醫師的演講視頻. 張醫師解說寒症的殺傷力, 確實所言不虛. 此外, 身為佛教徒, 深信置之四海皆準的”因緣果”之定律. 相信假以時日, 原始點醫學逐漸讓更多的眾生受益, 離苦得樂. 
盼望此次手法班能夠和老婆一同學習, 互相切磋.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Godiva coffee

Trying out Godiva coffee is hubby's idea since his sisters are all crazy about it in Taiwan. We bought two kinds, Hazelnut Creme and Chocolate Truffle.

We were so excited this morning. You'll be addicted to the rich fragrance when the package of Truffle was opened. After brewing it the French style, I tried to first smell the aroma, followed by a sip. Wow, what a disappointment comparing to the ones we're familiar with from Sprouts, which has much more sustaining smell and taste! I believe the key is "freshness". Locally grown at Red Volcano and transported it to Sprouts within days make it fresh enough. Our favorite flavor is Caramel Creme.

This is our morning ritual, enjoying coffee with a serene garden scenery through the window. What a life!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ikenobo Ikebana (池坊花道) Floral Exhibition

It's a two day exhibition of floral arrangement, plus a demo class. Ikenobo Ikebana is Japanese art of floral arrangement. More than simply putting flowers in a container, it's a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are brought together.

From trial and error, here is my accomplishment:
 Do you like my pet?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Frozen (2013, Movie)

I thought it to be the best animated movie I've seen this year. The landscape animation is beautiful, the snowman is hilarious, and the songs for the most part are really strong. 

It is inspired by the highly regarded Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, "The Snow Queen"; and inspired means just that...there is a snow queen, a reindeer, and trolls, and the setting is somewhere in Norway; but otherwise the story is original. Just an all around great animated film with a wonderful moral message. The title may be "Frozen" but it will warm your hearts.