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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

生花正風體: 使用根締的二種生

Shoka Shofutai: Nissuike with Nejime

Nejime (根締): When Shin and Soe are wooden or leaves material without flowers, the second material with flowers in the Tai portion is called Nejime, meaning, "something which completes or draws the arrangement together as its base." Sometimes a material without flowers lacks the color or interest needed to make an arrangement beautiful. In this case, we follow the principle of using flower material to support material without flowers.

當使用與真或副不同木物的花或其他草花為體時, 體就稱為根締. 體(根締) 不要超出真副, 而只要像是補枝一般輕輕的插上, 必須清楚的插在最前方.

If Shin and Soe are a woody, branch material, Nejime can be either a tree flower or a grassy, herbaceous flower (草本). If Shin and Soe are grassy material, then Nejime must also be a grassy, herbaceous flower.

In the Nejime portion, the tip of Tai is called Tai Saki (體先), Behind Tai Saki and shorter is Tai Ashirai (體補<谷>). The next stem, behind Tai Ashirai and adjacent to the Shin group, is called Tai Shin (體真). Tai Shin is taller than Tai Saki. Note: the material used for Nejime portion should be smaller than the material used for Shin & Soe. Normally the height of Tai Shin is about 1/3 of the Shin.

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