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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beowulf: Director's Cut (2007, Movie)

First, I did not know that it is computer-generated animation.  The characters looked too much like cartoon characters. The voice acting was very well done though. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Half day at the Huntington Library

Return of an Icon  

The wait is over! After a year-long closure and a $6.8 million renovation, the historic Japanese Garden has reopened, marking its centennial as one of the most beloved and iconic landscapes at The Huntington. Completed in 1912, the nine-acre site, with its picture-postcard views of koi-filled ponds, distinctive moon bridge, and historic Japanese House, has attracted more than 20 million visitors since the institution opened to the public in 1928.

Now several new elements enhance this “magical place.” Among the new features visitors will see is an authentic ceremonial teahouse, situated on a ridge above the existing Japanese House and set within a traditionally landscaped tea garden. A newly created waterfall cascades down the slope, visually connecting the tea garden to the ponds below.

Restoration of the Japanese House, a structure built in Japan around 1904, showed elements such as the distinctive curves of the roof line, an elaborately carved ornament atop one of the gables, and original plaster and wood finishes have been restored, giving the house a dramatically different appearance, but one more authentic to the building’s past.

A Storied Past

The Japanese Garden is among the oldest and most elaborate of its kind in America. Begun in 1911, it was inspired by widespread Western fascination with Asian culture.  In 1968, The Huntington added the Zen Garden and a bonsai display that was expanded in 2010.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

真 原 醫 21世紀的預防醫學 (楊定一博士 著)


但此書統合性十足. 原創性則未如書名! 作者嘗試以整合性健康醫學概念. 創造一種養身新顯學. 只是讀罷後會發覺. 書中所論述的內容. 多年來已有許多書籍與作者分別論及. 本書並未顯示其獨特的原創性... 它的特色是較具統合性. 它將身心靈各層面的養身健康觀完整論及...  或該說. 本書較為重視東方心靈修持. 因全書約一半篇幅在講述情緒與內在平衡. 唯涉及心靈內層的所有學問(或心法). 其實是法門萬千. 不一而足. 以靜坐或宗教體驗等方式來安定心靈.也可說是其中之最.