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Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Corpse Flower prepares to flower - and stink!

Huntington Library is officially on bloom watch 

 It's 41 inches tall today.

The Amorphophallus titanum or "Corpse Flower," a native to the tropical rain forests of Sumatra and known for the rotten stench it releases when flowering, has officially been put on bloom watch! This “Li’l Stinker,” our 6th Corpse Flower to date, is still under 40 inches tall (some can grow over 6 ft.).

When EXACTLY will it bloom? We don't know! 
An Amorphophallus titanum in bloom is as rare as it is spectacular. A plant can go for many years without flowering, and when it does the bloom lasts only 1, 2 or sometimes 3 days. Actual bloom time varies too; our very first bloom in 1999, took 7 hours from when the bloom started to open until it was in full bloom.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Contract Killers (Movie, 2008)

It was predictable but enjoyable. Frida Farrell was not bad as an actress - unusual for a model changing over to acting. The story line was a bit hard to follow and many of the sub-plots were unresolved. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Captain Phillips (Movie, 2013)

While there is some controversy about the real Merchant Mariner, Captain Richard Phillips, there is no doubt that Tom Hanks' characterization of Phillips in this biopic is absolutely masterful. It's about the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama by Somali pirates; the heroic actions by Captain Phillips; and the precision rescue by U. S. Navy personnel. 

The movie starts off a little slow. The story unfolds gradually in the last two hours. A little dragging!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Maze Runner: The Death Cure (Movie, 2018)

This is the 3rd Maze Runner movie that ends the Maze Runner Trilogy. Not so much interest for me who have not seen the previous two movies. Almost the entirety of this film is the single minded goal of saving their one friend.... while the entire world is dying. It's a confusing and narrow minded plot, and along the journey the characters make bizarre and illogical decisions. Very frustrated.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018

我不是药神 (2018)



引起爭議的不是其它,正是轟動一時的“ 假藥案”。5年後的今天,以他為原型的電影《我不是藥神》上映,他得了 “慢性粒细胞白血病”

印度“格列衛”與瑞士“格列衛” 藥性相似度達99.9% ,但兩者之間的價格鴻溝可謂是天差地別,前者一瓶只需4000元,後者卻要2.35萬元。在他的帮助下,成百上千位“慢性粒细胞白血病”患者的病情得到了控制,而在这数年间他也慢慢积攒出名气,被诸多病友尊称为“药神”。




Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Shape of Water (Movie, 2017)

The Shape Of Water is an Oscar-certified Best Picture story about a mute woman who has an immediate connection with a mysterious fish creature being held captive in a secret government science lab. 

I really don't know how this movie was sold as some kind of rapturous, fantasy romance when it was so filled with brutality - unnecessary brutality, and some quite sickening details such as the gangrenous fingers, the image of which I would like to blot from my brain, along with that of the murdered cat. The villain was just ridiculously over the top, which made him extremely uninteresting. 

It's hard to understand why this is considered the "Best" movie of the year!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Warrior (Movie, 2011)

Nick Nolte plays the role of his life and is absolutely heartbreaking as the reformed alcoholic/abusive father trying to reunite with his two sons, both of who are MMA fighters and who enter a tournament to fight for a chance at a $5 million prize. The fight scenes were gritty, realistic and well choreographed.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Darkest Hour (Movie, 2017)

Gary Oldman's acting was brilliant, very factual. You actually felt like you were back in 1940 England.