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Monday, April 30, 2012

Bathing Buddha Ceremony Offerings by me

Two orchids intertwined
Six Syllables with Shri

奶油青花菜 and Shri

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My new career: ballerina

How about that! I never dreamed about being able to dance on my toes again ever since my Achilles Tendon on my right leg got cut off one-third 36 years ago. Even though I couldn't bear deserting my lovely pointe shoes and brought them with me to the States, they were still an eye sore and trauma. Finally, that pair went to the trash. Until 4 months ago, under the encouragement of Yali Liu, I started trying out this heartfelt muse of mine once more. Who knows what I can accomplish this time!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life (1946, Movie)

The film cost an astounding $6.3 million dollars to produce and opened so poorly as to be considered a flop. It was nominated for 5 Oscars without a single award. The Academy blew this one big time. AFI (American Film Institute) considers this film the 11th greatest film of the last 100 years (100 Years…100 Movies). The acting is superb. The direction is fabulous and the story eternal. It's a feel-good movie that reminds us to count our blessings, whatever they may be and however different they are from what we expected.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ghost Rider (2007, Movie)

The plot is all too predictable and the action sequences don't offer anything you haven't seen before. The special effects aren't too amazing either.  The dialogue was just cheesy and corny. It's a waste of time.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

病從寒中來 作者:石原結實

人正常體溫下降1℃,免疫力至少下降30%而如果正常體溫能夠達到36.5℃以上,人體的免疫力就會增強5-6倍! 體溫從某種方面說,確實是人體健康的晴雨表。 

"提高體溫、早餐節食" 成為日本最流行的養生方式。

現代醫學的弱點:只重視檢查的數值,單憑檢查結果定病名,然後機械地將症狀和藥組合在一起,用這樣的治療方法,多數都無法對疾病進行根本性的治療。 而且,藥或多或少都會有副作用,一個症狀治好了,所服藥的副作用又會引發其他的症狀,結果就可能導致要吃的藥越來越多。 自然治​​愈才是最值得提倡的健康途徑。 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mom's Waltz and Rumba performances, March 2012

Here is Mom's recent performances at Angelus Plaza. According to her, the partner, Mr. Sha is a very strict instructor. Therefore, she's improved quite a bit in the steps and posture. See it for yourself.
  1. Waltz:
  2. Rumba: