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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Alien Saga (2002, Movie)

The Alien Saga is an interesting and mostly well done documentary of where the Alien series started and came to be where it is today. It's main focus is definitely on the first film with over half of the documentary on Alien itself, including some interviews with cast members and production team. After Alien, it continues on with Aliens, giving some nice insight into the film, although not nearly to the depth and scope that it covered the first Alien film. However, after its coverage of Aliens, the documentary falls apart as it ties up the last 20 minutes with 'documentaries' on Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection.

But like the quadrilogy, it starts out amazing and fascinating but by the time the film gets to Alien 4, it's hard to still care.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

行草三部曲 (Cursive Trilogy, Dance, 2001)

Flying Ink line "Dance", with the body brush

行草貳」 是林懷民繼「行草」之後,再度由書法美學汲取靈感而作的舞蹈。 「行草」以充沛的力道著重於濃墨,而「行草貳」以冥想的基調探討淡墨,引出宋瓷的寧靜之美。行草介於行書與草書間的字體,相較於行書比較草率,但相較於草書又較易辨認。

Saturday, September 26, 2009

竹夢 (Bamboo Dream, 2003, Dance)

『竹夢』是一齣沒有劇情,沒有特定角色的抒情之舞。 『竹夢』美麗如畫,魅惑人心,是林懷民最傑出,最別出心裁的作品。不以情節敘事,而託『晨霧』、「春風」、「夏喧」、「秋徑」、「雨霽」、「午夜」、「冬雪」等舞段,抒論飄邈意象,乃雲門林懷民又一靈感泉湧之作!
The Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan interprets one of composer Arvo Part's paeans to the mythology surrounding bamboo in Asia. In Eastern folklore, bamboo features in many stories and symbols, and choreographer Lin Hwai-min has composed some vigorous and dynamic expressions to accompany the Staatorchester Stuttgart, the Twelve Strings of the BPO, and the improvisations of Chinese flute player Huang Sheng-Kai (黃聖凱).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moon Water (水月, 2003, Dance)

Moon Water is a modern dance piece by Lin Hwai-Min. It is danced by members of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, They proceed to do mostly slow elaborate movements that flow into each other, often very tai-chi like. The music is Bach. I focused on tai-chi in addition to modern dance.

水月Moon Water, 是當代舞團雲門舞集的一齣作品。也是林懷民的「靈靜之旅」系列的第二個作品。這個作品的靈感來自於佛偈「鏡花水月皆成空」。1998年11月18日台北國家戲劇院公開演出。這齣作品企圖在中找出生命周而復始,皆盡成空的美感。在舞台運用上,運用了相當多的水和鏡子,在舞者服裝上,僅用白色的舞衣來代表水的意象。水月是一齣沒有中場休息的舞作




Monday, September 21, 2009

Remember the Titans (2000, Movie)

How the Goal Line Came To Replace the Color Line

It's striking how many of the images that capture America's struggle to overcome its legacy of racism come from the world of sports. Based on a real-life drama that played out in Virginia, it uses football to tell a bigger story about the American South going through the growing pains of desegregation."Remember the Titans" is a parable about racial harmony, yoked to the formula of a sports movie. Real life is never this simple, but then that's what the movies are for--to improve on life, and give it the illusion of form and purpose.

Denzel Washington and Will Patton are the stars, two football coaches, one black, one white, whose lives are linked for a season, even though neither wants it that way. Yoast's white players say they won't play for a black coach, but Yoast doesn't want them to lose college scholarships, so he swallows his pride and agrees to be Boone's assistant, leading the whites back to practice.

All of this is said to be based on life, and no doubt largely is, but life was perhaps harder and more wounding than the film.

Those training camp scenes include the usual identifiable types (the fat kid, the long-haired Californian, the "Rev") who first clash, then bond.

The movie is heartfelt, yes, and I was moved by it, but it plays safe.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Desert Garden at Huntington Library_092009

Another half day spent at Huntington Library under the fair weather. We chose to visit the 12-acre Desert Garden on a cool morning. It has the world's largest group of mature cacti and other succulents, arranged by continent. It's hardly a desert, though most of its plants are from dry regions. Planted here are over 5000 different species of xerophytes - succulents, trees, and shrubs that are adapted to arid environments. Though they come from disparate areas of the world and may be un-related, many xerophytes appear similar, having evolved similar strategies for survival in dry habitats.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kaiser Friends gathering_092009

This is a farewell luncheon to Yogi Shah and Jay Barrios, as the last layoff wave.

Participants: Audrey Belandres, Ron Tan, Yogi Shah, Jay Barrios, Moses Chu, Perry Gibson, Frank Bereznay, Keli Esser, Robert Suchoski, Rex Avendano, Steve Marks, Todd Evans, Gil Oh, Daniel Liang, Vivian, and me

Where: Newport Seafood Restaurant

High School Memories (1970)

Thanks to Sandy Teng's (甘錦露) effort of compiling those yellowish pictures into modern digital frames. Even scanning those fragile ones was a big endeavor. Now we have something to look at, talk about and laugh together. This is a treasure box stored deep in our heart, forever.
