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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sacred Cremation of our beloved Rinpoche on 07/31/2014

Shamar Rinpoche was the second-highest Karma Kagyu leader and one of the most important personalities in the Himalayas and for modern Buddhism worldwide, due to his widely recognized spiritual realization and broad range of academic and humanitarian activities.

From Germany to New Dehli to Kalimpong to Bhutan and finally Nepal, at SHARMINUB
MONASTERY, our dearest Guru Shamarpa, you are a strong and brave Rinpoche, who stands for equanimity & justice with great wisdom & compassion, mainly for the authentic Karma Kargu Lineage to continue turning the wheel of dharma in this degenerative age.

Tens of thousands of Buddhists from all over the world bid farewell to Tibetan Buddhist leader. His Holiness the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje lead cremation ceremonies in Nepal on July 31st. Buddhists from all over the world welcome decision of Nepalese government.

Since his Paranirvana, every event has a purpose. Rinpoche wants us to pause and reflect. Even after his passing, we deeply appreciate his teaching. Shamarpa loves us and will never leave us spiritually. "His students from all over the world now meditate together and make strong wishes for Shamarpa's swift rebirth that, according to Buddhist tradition, will be found and recognized by the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje," said Jigme Rinpoche, general secretary of Karmapa. I sincerely pray for his swift return.

Monday, July 28, 2014


1. 資格:請務必將張釗漢醫師的馬來西亞演講(或河南演講)和在新加坡拍攝的手法教學,全部觀看完畢至少一遍。
2. 方式:將觀看演講和教學後的心得,或幫自身或家人朋友處理的經驗寫成心得報告,再寄到本班的Contact,即完成報名。
3. 報名後,我們將視您對原始點醫學(觀念和手法)的熟悉程度和學習動機,擇優錄取。
4. 預定本期手法班上課日期:每星期一晚上7點到9點,總共4次。(若有調整會提早通知)


今年三月時, 開始接觸原始點醫學, 可以說是我人生的另一個轉捩點. 怎麼說呢? 經歷了兩次癌症, 一系列的化療及電療, 拖著被摧殘得只剩下半條命的皮囊, 我理當更加珍惜生命. 於是小心翼翼地限制素食, 生機飲食, 運動, 加上宗教訴求, 心靈成長; 十數年來, 幸運地甩開了癌症陰影, 然而身體壯況卻未明顯改善, 免疫力仍舊低落, 精神不繼, 睡眠品質也差.

開始觀看張釗漢醫師的演講, 看了兩集,  就被他的當頭棒和之理論震撼住了! 迫不及待看完全部46 集, 深刻感受到他悲天憫人, 以救天下蒼生為己任的菩薩胸懷. 最難能可貴的, 是甘冒天下之大不韙, 而與中, 西醫為敵. 我的收穫是: 糾正了不少一輩子遵行的教條, 在剩下來的人生旅途上, 能少走些冤枉路.

我本人曾嘗試自己按推 ”肘部原始點”, 企望解除我的 ”高爾夫球肘” 病痛, 同時溫敷及喝薑湯. 實施三月餘, 病痛無好轉, 反而引發雙耳後癢刺的濕疹. 在不知所措之下, 只好停止薑湯. 濕疹慢慢退去, 然而已對原始點生退心. 惶惶然無人可以求助. 加上老公鐵齒, 總認為原始點是一小撮人, 窮居一隅, 發明出來的玩意兒, 既缺乏數據, 又聳人聽聞. 每每叫我趕緊去西醫處注射類固醇. 此刻的我感到極端孤單.

7月27日的體驗營, 真正是及時雨, 非但讓我理解到 “高爾夫球肘” 必須按推 “肩部原始點”, 也讓我老公觀念為之一新, 可以說埋下了一顆種子, 不再視原始點醫學為敵人了. 不過, 他也語重心長地説: 原始點醫學想要發揚光大, 一定要擺脫菜販子架構, 須要請專家釐訂所有個案, 分析, 統計, 比較, 製表, 加上令人信服的解說, 和紮實的 理論基礎, 使之成為一種規律或法則.

我非常希望能夠進一步學習正確的按推手法, 以後可以幫助身邊的親朋好友, 更能為宣傳原始點醫學盡一份棉力.

若我有幸報名成功, 有一小要求: 因為我老公不放心我晚上開車, 他會駕車送我去教室. 可否讓他在一旁觀摩呢?

Monday, July 21, 2014

2014 Lightning Tai-chi International Championship

2014 第四屆『雷霆太極國際邀請賽』

This year it was held at South Pasadena Middle School. I joined Sun's Style demonstration, competed in Yang's 48 Form and also volunteered in assisting score entering. And I won the 1st place in Yang's 48 Form.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Priest (2011, Movie)

Its a comic book sort of adventure. The plot twists between the Priest and Lucy revealed later allows everything to make sense. Although set in a different future on a world ruined by wars, it includes modern conveyances, and set decorations that are clearly from the 50's. Even the prayers and gestures of the Priest were similar to those of catholic priests in the 50's as well. It was a cool juxtaposition which made the movie visually interesting as well.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Philomena (2013, Movie)

Judi Dench again delivers an outstanding performance as an aging Irish woman trying to find the son who was wrenched away from her some 50 years previously by the sadistic system of the 1950's when girls who had sinned, i.e., gotten pregnant out of wedlock, became virtual slaves of convents. The sad thing is that this was based on a true story and all the characters are based on real people. Its based on Martin Sixsmith's book "The Lost Child of Philomena Lee." 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Starpower World Championships 2014

STARPOWER is entering its 27th year in the world of dance competitions and is stronger than ever. Starpower began as an eleven city tour with one National Championship and has continued to grow, keeping its status as one of the largest talent competitions in America. Although most of the competitors are juniors, I can feel their enthusiasm, energy and professionalism!

Driving all the way to Las Vegas to compete is a big chore, according to my hubby. However, winning two trophies is another story. Yuing Yuen said, "It's worth the drive". All I can say is, it builds great memories for a lifetime.

The two trophies are: 1st place of 20+ adult Pointe and 1st place of 20+ adult overall category.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Half day at Huntington Library

Finally, we got to see 袁志鐘老師的墨寶 at "清越臺".