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Sunday, February 28, 2010

There Will Be Blood (2007, Movie)

The first time I saw this beautiful beast of a movie from director-writer Paul Thomas Anderson, I felt gut-punched. As the film bores through the first three decades of the twentieth century, Plainview becomes a California oil tycoon of unparalleled ruthlessness. His enemies are man and God. And in the film's final section, a rush of scorching brutality, Plainview takes his revenge on both. Visually and dramatically, it is a jaw-dropper. His last words burst forth with biblical exultation: "I'm finished."

Day-Lewis, no ifs, ands or buts, gives one of the great elemental performances in modern cinema. Yet what kind of sympathy could we find for the devil he’s playing? Seeing There Will Be Blood is like going ten rounds with a raging bull. You feel so pummeled it's hard to get your head clear.

Anderson hasn't so much adapted Upton Sinclair's 1927 novel Oil as cherry-picked it for a structure. He's out to show how violence of the flesh and the spirit is hard-wired into the American character.

Day-Lewis' resonant voice is a potent magnet. His triumph is in making us see ourselves in Plainview, no matter how much we want to turn away. Daniel is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve the unnatural state of becoming an island onto himself, and Day-Lewis makes him his own.

The ensuing battle between the ignorant armies of greed and bogus evangelism powers the film. Still, for getting under Daniel's skin, no one beats Eli.

On a craft and technical level, the film is of the highest quality, not least in the sound department, where the mix is exceedingly complex and expressive.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Inglourious Basterds (Movie, 2009)

Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds” is a big, bold, audacious war movie that will annoy some, startle others and demonstrate once again that he’s the real thing, a director of quixotic delights. Tarantino does it his way. The “basterds” themselves, savage fighters dropped behind Nazi lines, are an unmistakable nod to the Dirty Dozen.

Waltz is a wonder. His dazzling, diabolical performance blends seductive charm and monstrous malice (in four languages).

Of course nothing in the movie is possible, except that it’s so bloody entertaining. Tarantino films have a way of growing on you. It’s not enough to see them once.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010











Thursday, February 18, 2010

解碼中醫/作者: 美國潘同菋中醫師 Terrence Pan L.Ac.

A Revolution for Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory

“ 本書送給那些多年追尋身心靈健康的人們. 願她們能夠達到真正的身心靈健康境界,並進一步能夠幫助周邊的人"


中醫在許多人的印象中很是模糊,同一個病人用不同的方子,同一種病用不同的方法,而同一類方劑卻用來治療不同的病——這給人一種不確定甚至不科學的感覺。其實正是這種因人而異、把人看做一個自然整體的治療成功地延續了我們的民族。中世紀一場風靡歐洲的黑死病奪去了數百萬人生命的同時,中醫們卻用清熱解毒的草藥遏制了瘟疫的蔓延。若干世紀後,古老的東方醫道又在現代西方社會風生雲起,甚至現代醫學中最先進、最尖端的免疫平衡療法、基因療法,也蘊 藏著中醫數千年前即生機勃勃的思想。」

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LTC Dumpling Party for the New Year

They picked the perfect date to celebrate, Lunar New Year plus Valentine's day. Everyone was so eager and proficient to make dumpling, from scratch. Be sure to mention the other goodies, e.g., appetizer, fruits, desert and hand-made noodle. It was a pleasure to get together outside practicing Tai-Chi because we were more relaxed and less serious for sure.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Padre Pio: Miracle Man (2000, Movie)

This is a great portrait of Padre Pio. Beautiful photography and music, but the script and acting are the highlights.for the catholic viewer (I guess its main audience), it will be a faith reaffirming experience. Therefore, this film is a must for Catholic families who want to experience quality entertainment while learning more about a beloved saint. The cinematography was beautiful, and the actors brought life to a wonderful story about a man who loved enough to suffer unbelievable torments for God and for others.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Travellers and Magicians (2003, Movie)

A Bhutanese Filmmaker-Saint Uncovers Beauty in Banality

With his 1999 debut, The Cup, a comedic glimpse of soccer-crazed monastics, Bhutanese-Tibetan director (and high lama) Khyentse Norbu wisely made tenuous cultural exchange his central philosophical inquiry. His status as a reincarnated saint at home lent weight to his claims that film can be as sacred as a prayer flag. His Travellers and Magicians is the first feature film shot entirely in Bhutan, and likeThe Cup, uses exclusively non-professional actors.

In interviews, Norbu has compared the editing process to meditation. While his travelers wind over ridges backed by stabbing peaks, the monk among them unfurls a parallel tale that splits the movie in two. The story of Tashi's lusty downfall is the monk's caveat to curious Dondup—and Norbu's literal "grass may not be greener" wink to young Bhutanese.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My orchid at home

This is the pot I got from my neighbor Sue last Xmas. And it blooms beautifully.

Orchids are intimately intertwined within the ecology of their habitat. Orchids are group of plants with over 880 genera, and it is estimated that there are about 28,000 species of this beautiful flower.

Some orchid species may bloom twice or thrice a year, while few others bloom annually. These blooms often last for almost a month. One can easily nourish orchids at home and be rewarded with years and years of beautiful blooms.

Up (2009, Movie)

Pixar Perfect: 'Up' Provides Quite a Lift


'Up' is the latest work from the Disney/Pixar stable about an old man who attaches balloons to the roof of his house so it lifts into the sky.

The story climates as Carl Fredricksen ties a thousand balloons to his home and floats off, house and all, to South America to find the waterfalls which he and his wife always dreamed of visiting.

As rich a sensory experience as "Up" is, it finally comes down to the story it has to tell. And that story -- about loneliness, vulnerability and the redemptive power of human connection -- not only makes for a magnificently crafted and absorbing movie, but a deeply meaningful one.

And yes, it's 3D!