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Monday, March 31, 2014

JPL Tour

Arranged by Wu Liang's friend Roger Carlson, we had a rare chance to visit NASA JPL. The most precious moment was to enter the Space Flight Operations Facility and viewed all operating consoles and big screens for all space activities.

Do you know that one Martian year equals to 23 months Earth year? Mars is farther from the Sun compared with Earth, so it takes Mars longer to complete one orbit and its year is longer than an Earth year. A Mars year is 687 Earth days long -- almost two Earth years. Like Earth, Mars rotates on its axis, but more slowly, so a Mars day is slightly longer than an Earth day. The Mars day (sol) is 24 hours, 39-1/2 minutes long.

Opportunity and its twin, Spirit, landed on opposite sides of Mars in January 2004, each with a planned mission of 90 Martian days (sols). Spirit lasted more than six years, ceasing operation March 22, 2010, on Sol 2210. As of December 2012, Opportunity roved nearly 22 miles for more than 3100 sols, and continues to explore and communicate with Earth.

Curiosity landed on Mars August 6, 2012 (UTC) for a planned 23-month mission to investigate whether Mars ever had favorable environmental conditions (habitats) to support microbial life.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nebraska (2013, Movie)

An intimate road movie about one family that also lingers on the landscapes and fabric of an old-time, dying vision of the American Midwest. It was a great idea to film this story in black and white, it adds so much to the characters of Woody and David. Bruce Dern is easily one of the shining lights of this film.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

爸妈不在家 (2013, Movie)


故事的格局很小,但在這之內卻是面面俱到,內斂成熟沉穩,鋪墊情感的小細節也很有感染力。 亞洲危機的時代背景,一個中產階級家庭的日常生活和一個孩子與女傭之間的親情關係,生活中很多事情確實沒必要講的通透,特別是家人之間,這種含蓄和隱忍的情感表達方式很東方.  一個普通家庭遭遇97年亞洲金融危機的故事,壓抑無奈但卻不悲不哀,反而滿是小幽默和人情味,在絕境中尋找樂觀和希望。 更優秀的是這樣一個本土故事居然能穿破時代和文化隔閡,每個人都能輕而易舉被感動到。

The Book of Eli (2010, Movie)

The Book of Eli isn't as exciting or funny or inspiring as it wants and needs to be, and its preachy ending is an ordeal. But Washington, a movie star who can act, is one cool dude who is worth following anywhere.

Allen and Albert Hughes have created a plausible post-apocalyptic world. Religion and bloodshed, though linked through much of history, make queasy entertainment partners.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dinner rolls

My hubby has been crying for a change for his breakfast. Here it comes, dinner rolls with fillings, either fish cake or dried pork floss.

watch hummingbirds fight for food

Sharing food peacefully....

 Wow, the big one came to declare territory....
 Hurry, before they spot me....

Happy flying away....

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013, Movie)

I was a bit disappointed that the character Cecil Gaines was "inspired" by the life of Eugene Allen, a real cook and butler at the White House for 34 years. Needless to say, Forest Whitaker & Opray Winfrey were a perfect fit for each other. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Her (2013, Movie)

This entire movie is simply a statement on humanity's inability to achieve any form of true connection. The story of Theodore and Samantha is moving. Samantha is the self-generated interface of an AI computer operating system. In nanoseconds, the interface analyzes Theodore's emails and other digital history and begins to craft a supportive persona. As is the nature of AI, it grows at logarithmic speed, and becomes increasingly helpful, supportive and intimate. Joaquin Phoenix did a wonderful job,as always.

Monday, March 10, 2014



Friday, March 7, 2014

Shamar Rinpoche discusses and signs The Path to Awakening

We went there with hope to be near Rinpoche and possibly receiving his blessings. Hurray, the wish was fulfilled!

“Mind training is a comprehensive practice that is suitable for all types of students. It contains the entire path and does not depend on a person's background. Mind training nurses and cultivates the Buddha Nature, that pure seed of awakening that is at the very heart of every sentient being. It has the power to transform even egotistical self-clinging into self-lessness. Put into practice diligently, it is enough to lead you all the way to awakening. In The Path to Awakening, Shamar Rinpoche gives his own detailed commentary on Chekawa Yeshe Dorje's Seven Points of Mind Training, a text that has been used for transformative practice in Tibetan Buddhism for close to a thousand years. Clear, accessible, and yet profound, this book is filled with practical wisdom, philosophy, and meditation instructions.” – Delphinium Books

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fruit Nut Bran bread

Just out of the oven bread: dried longan, sliced almonds and bran flakes.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Long Mulberry

There are about 150 kinds of mulberry. Have you tried this kind of long mulberry? The length is about 5 to 6 inches. This fruit turns pink and then red while ripening, then dark purple or black, and have a sweet flavor when fully ripe. It's super sweet!