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Monday, August 26, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Sandra Bullock has a warmth that gets you smiling even when the material is weak. She begins the film looking unglamorous and then undergoes a transformation. She starts as an FBI agent and ends up as a beauty contest finalist. 

Bullock is funny and charming, she can't overcome a bad script that makes the movie feel too much like a fluffy, unoriginal sitcom.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019


The film is loud, colorful, frantic in pace, but less than the sum of its parts.
It is an incredibly simple yet irresistible idea for a movie. It's also exactly what you think it's going to be - no more, no less.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Martin Scorsese leaves his mean streets behind for this exhilarating family tale inspired by the birth of cinema

"Hugo" is unlike any other film Martin Scorsese has ever made, and yet possibly the closest to his heart: a big-budget, family epic in 3-D, and in some ways, a mirror of his own life. In broad terms, the story of his hero, Hugo Cabret, is Scorsese's own story. 

In the way the film uses CGI and other techniques to create the train station and the city, the movie is breathtaking. Hugo seems somewhat a genius with gears, screws, springs and levers.

Scorsese has made documentaries about great films and directors, and here he brings those skills to storytelling. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019



電影《無雙》英文名的直譯是古登堡計劃( Project Gutenberg),古登堡是西方活字印刷術的發明人,印刷術的發明對於文明的演進至關重要。一部關於製作假鈔的犯罪題材電影以古登堡為名合情合理,通過特殊的手法讓假鈔在印刷的過程中顯現出水印是讓假鈔以假亂真的關鍵。


