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Monday, September 19, 2011

Breaking the Maya Code (2008, Documentary)

This traces Maya language archeology from it's very beginnings up through the early 21st century. At each phase, the key scientists at every step give commentary on the state of the work. They also use great visual techniques of highlighting portions of a glyph or a carving to illustrate the discussion. Like Chinese characters, the hieroglyphic script of the ancient Mayans' single glyph can consist of sub-glyphs that can be a combination of syllabic and ideographic content. They also tell a great, well-paced story. Breaking the Maya Code is an excellent example of exploration, immersion, and revelation opening doors to the perceptions of a highly advanced, now virtually extinguished, civilization. This documentary gives very little attention to the story of the destruction of Mayan culture by the Spanish though. 

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